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(4)Rocky Road
Map ID: #1001
Author: Snooky
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 02, 22 00:42
Comments (17)
I pretty much just wanted to make a generic familiar feel 4 player map similar to Luna or LT, because I realized that most all of my other 4 player maps had pretty obscure concepts.
needs more in the middle, because there i just way toomuch space there. maybe raised expo.
no, raised expo would be bad.
but you have to make some obstacles in teh center
--v mOsQ
Not interesting.
thats the point, he said he was trying to make a basic map. if you do'nt like what he is clearly trying to do, do'nt comment .
the middle is fine, maps need a middle at least that big.
interesting map. i'd play it
I like it :) It's good to see you back.
One thing - Those bridges are unbuildable, same on roads to antiga prime, but Bill307 had to remove the bridges and put dirt instead, dont you think it would make the same?
And the mains may be possibly too small, but that's not a real problem since you have managed to have plenty of unused terrain around it ;)
snooky is back :)
mains are much too small :/
to me this is very much a 4 player version of RtAP
What do you mean bridges are unbuildable...Roads to Antiga Prime had to be like that because it was supposed to be made only with StarEdit. I had made map already before I knew about the contest & didn't feel like making another one.
I really don't think mains are too small -.-
I mean how will you you wall your choke with terrans if its unbuildable? Thats the point of making it dirt in RTAP no?
but its so UGLY to do with dirt - come on!
I know! Do you think you could add some asphalt buildable tiles on the bridge instead of the unbuildable ones ?? ;)
Oh I see what you meant by unbuildable. You all apparently don't know, I do insert normal asphalt tiles to make it buildable into the bridge for walling purposes. I even did that with Roads to Antiga Prime. They probably knew it, but just wanted to make the map look as if it was made with pure staredit.
well, the map is still compatible with SE, so i think they didn't have a problem with it
but you have to make some obstacles in teh center
interesting map. i'd play it
One thing - Those bridges are unbuildable, same on roads to antiga prime, but Bill307 had to remove the bridges and put dirt instead, dont you think it would make the same?
And the mains may be possibly too small, but that's not a real problem since you have managed to have plenty of unused terrain around it ;)
mains are much too small :/