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(4)Road of Ruins
Map ID: #1006
Author: NastyMarine
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 02, 21 07:43
Comments (13)
my inspiration for this map is gaia if u may or may not have noticed.. but i also wanted to have a better middle .. make it wider.. so i did my best to make if a very playable balanced map.
P.S. the mains that are adjacent to eachother are far enuff so that a tank cannot hit a building that was made at any part of the cliffs.
Comments? modified by NastyMarine
on Gaia, one cannot siege onto the nats from the highground on the sides. that might have to change. also, the bases are a much closer walking distance to eachother than on gaia. it could still work find for 2v2 though.
other than that it looks nice and you succeeded in making it more open.
well understand that i didnt want to make an exact replica. i jus had the 'lay-out' so to speak of gaia. b/c it is quite nice if u ask me. when it comes to the high ground where u say a sieged tank can hit it.. i also made it close enuff so that psi storm can hit the mineral line.. so its jus not an attack angle jus for t.. and z can have lurkers placed up there and hit some of the minerals.. etc.
perhaps the 2° exps are too neighbors
which expos? ... post gmcs
looks nice, well executed on first glance.
too tired of serious criticism, so some thoughts:
the highground beside the natural is deadyl. just imagine TvZ with the terran going up there and firing the natural into ground. zerg cannot do anything against it with sunkens, neither lings because defending this ramp is just very easy
the mains are a bit closer as on gaia i guess, makes dropstrats even more dangerous, and time becomes even more important in MUs like ZvZ.
but i like gaia, and that's okey imo
speaking of the mains, make as much of them as you can unsiegeable. really, pull the water as much as you can into the center
and you still can do A LOT in decoration
good job overall. maybe change it some more, though, cuz atm it looks like a "rotated" gaia. just think about personal ideas to add features
Thats a nice one, but you need a better placement for the min only expands. Right now they are too close, and the path finding will be bad.
Well i need help placing them.. Post gmcs in the placed that would be best.. cuz i really dont have a good idea where to put them
idk the type a way that they should be layed/placed against the cliff. Its a tuff position to lay minerals down
--v mOsQ
don't like gaia style sry :D
why post on this then? lol hahahahaha. at least gimme some feedback mosq.. im trying to work here lol. thats coo tho haha
I made final modifications to the mineral lines at the min only expos. Also I made pathfinding better for units that move from mains to other mains that are adjacent to eachother. Take a look and comment plz
Nice design. Gaia rocks :D
Comparing your map to gaia will of course always make it look amateurish, be careful with that ;)
P.S. the mains that are adjacent to eachother are far enuff so that a tank cannot hit a building that was made at any part of the cliffs.
modified by NastyMarine
other than that it looks nice and you succeeded in making it more open.
too tired of serious criticism, so some thoughts:
the highground beside the natural is deadyl. just imagine TvZ with the terran going up there and firing the natural into ground. zerg cannot do anything against it with sunkens, neither lings because defending this ramp is just very easy
the mains are a bit closer as on gaia i guess, makes dropstrats even more dangerous, and time becomes even more important in MUs like ZvZ.
but i like gaia, and that's okey imo
speaking of the mains, make as much of them as you can unsiegeable. really, pull the water as much as you can into the center
and you still can do A LOT in decoration
good job overall. maybe change it some more, though, cuz atm it looks like a "rotated" gaia. just think about personal ideas to add features
Comparing your map to gaia will of course always make it look amateurish, be careful with that ;)
Really, very good job!