(4)Marred Maar 1.1
Map ID: #1058

Author: Nightmarjoo
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2007, 11, 11 07:10

Comments (13)
One thing I would like to add first of all, at the south, next to the mineral walls at both east and west, there are random cliff blocks above the minerals. I did this in scmdraft cuz lings could pass above the minerals no matter what I did with the minerals/terrain/doodads, so did this terrain thing with bits and pieces of terran that lings could not walk on; this prevented some horribly successful 4 pools I think.

I wasn't sure what to do with the mineral walls. I know I want them, but I'm not sure if I want to keep them with 48,64,48 minerals. I was thinking of maybe meking more, to make it easiest for t to expo there 1st by lifting, to give t an advantage, since I thought this map was rather not a very t friendly map.

Also, this is one of my most poor maps, does it need more expos?

And lastly, I liked what I did with the middle, but it is rather boring, any suggestians as to what to do with that? I like how it looks for one, and it effectively limits where t can make turrets in push vs p.
What's wrong with it? I didn't notice any problems, comps didn't seem to have any path finding issues at any rate
liar, you did not test it. i swear.
units will never find from a base to its horizontal equivalent.

plus, the middle is just incredible open.
This is gonna sound noob but I swear I tested it, I tested the mineral walls several times to see whether lings could pass by or not, I tested with drones too, and I had no problems, but I guess when I moved drones I moved bit by bit not from the main straight across, so they didn't act like retards. Ill update the map soon, w/o the walls, it'll just be cliff, and the terran can just have an easy island to take.

As for the open, I'm not sure what to do with it (Besides open it up). Should I just make walls? or make a large cliff in the center with expos on the sides, which was what I was thinking of doing.
*center* "as for the *center* ..."
Ok this is version 1.1, and much improved I thought.

I took out all of the high ground rocks in the center.
I added an island expo in the center, its kinda small though, plz give me input on it. On the left and right of the island expo I added 2 minerals only expos, one on the right and the other on the left, they are similar to the ones in the North and South mineral onlys, but they have completely different formations.
The mineral walls have become dirt with 2 crystals in to be pretty. Units cannot move past. I left most of the doodads in the center, and the only lava I edited was the stuff in the center for the new expos, and the lava around the nat openings, I took out some and added some to be more of the same, I didn't count though.
And lastly, I added doodads to the now island expo in the south, to be symetrical (more or less) with the now island expo of the north.

I had a pretty good game vs a comp with the 7x patcher AI, but you need the 7x patcher to watch it or it'll be wicked corrupted.
The 7xpatcher is here, http://www.entropyzero.org/BroodwarAI.html
and the direct link to the dl is here

in case people want to know what it is/where to get it
Another leet map by marjoo.
Did i miss something or all those mass gasses usable? O_o
sucks Oo
They're all unuseable, they're there to fill in space.
-.- this map is really old lol.
This map isn't terrible: it's pretty standard, I could make it decent hm...
i think this map is bad honestly, sorry
lol, like I care.