How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
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Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1100
Author: l-lell-Bound
Map Size: 128*64
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 03, 19 17:40
Comments (12)
complete total crap.
thats bm right there sp plz dont do that.. but hes right plz dont post a map like that.. its kinda.. (for a lack of words) insulting.. go thru some of the maps here and take alook at them... we expect those types of maps here
Take atleast an hour on your map if not two. this is very unthoughtout, very plain, and it dosen't even have an image :(. look at other maps here to see how your's is difernt from theirs.
Even worse than the first map I tried to submit here.
what the fuck?
good map 10/10
No, no, you guys don't get it. It's good and balanced and rules. Having no gas gives the game more strategy. ;)
I must say...anyone who's map I said was bad...I'm sorry. I'm very sorry, because I figured that this site had some standards. But from seeing this...
too complictaed imo
what a pity zerg cannot FE, because his FE spot is always occupied by some kind of opponent
and wtf protoss gets tank dropped on main so ez...fucking terran map
Actualy flow, I think he was trying to incorperate a stratagy with the Fast Expand, now zerg will actualy have to kill his opponent before expanding, brining completly new stratagy to the game o0.
(Sorry for bumping this, again, but I just had to say it =P)
plus positional imbalance. at least the decoration roxx.
I must say...anyone who's map I said was bad...I'm sorry. I'm very sorry, because I figured that this site had some standards. But from seeing this...
modified by epidiOn
what a pity zerg cannot FE, because his FE spot is always occupied by some kind of opponent
(Sorry for bumping this, again, but I just had to say it =P)