(4)Flavia 1.1
Map ID: #1115

Author: Nightmarjoo
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2008, 01, 16 12:51

Comments (12)
o man this is so wierd,i cant tell what would happen, but ican say that its balanced except for tanks maybe.
The expansion at Mid-Bottom has a little space problem..

The lack of love for details kills the map as it is now. I could find a dozen unnecessary positional and racial imbalances here. For instance, why oh why are the chokes wider than a football goal? Some naturals are much more exposed than others. etc ..
and mass grass does look nice on picture, but not ingame.
it looks okay on the picture, but it lacks very much ingame imo, concerning balance, expo placement and so on
Changes from original:

Created two small dirt holes in front of nats to make a much smaller choke; I decided to do this instead of just shrinking the gap, i thought it went with the rest of the map better.

Lengthened dirt in front of mains to shrink those chokes.

replaced teal's nat/mineralonly doodad wall with a dirt wall and moved nat up to allow it to fix pathfinding issues from teal's nat to mineral only; units got confusd and tried unsuccessfully to pass through, or atleast lings did.

Altered grass to look less uniform and added Doodads for decoration

Small pits were made to be harder to drop tanks into

Made Southern mineral only higher and wider and moved resources to the right and up somewhat

ok new suggestions?
get rid of the gap in middle, now the chokes are just retarded
lol I like the holes in the middle; Ill change the chokes to normal looking ones now ;D
uh well now you succeded in making it possible for terran to wall in thier nat with 2 depots and a rax, which is the same as 6 on LT
now = later btw, ill get other suggestions 1st
gj at reaching -187.4 rating :P
ty; it used to be -1337
It's sad, it's really a -1337 map.