(8)Jungle Hunt V2
Map ID: #1131

Author: king of 8 plr maps
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 04, 04 01:56

Comments (7)
How come some players have second nats and others don't?
King of 8 plr Maps
I have 2 versions of this map this the second version wich is easer version to play, V1 has more bridges for flanking and looks better then this one but think this version more fun to play, and is more what people who like hunters setup.

I like version 1 better its more original setup and harder to play
King of 8 plr Maps
8 player maps is little differant then playing 2 or 4 player maps, look at hunters.

those are not 2nd natural they are neutral look at both bases it falls right in between them, its bitch to be able to hold those, its back and forth for them, its actually closer to sides cause path curves so i pushed money to equal the difficulty

mineral placement in 8 player maps 8X more work to be more creative to come up with something good.

Biggest problem with map makers to make good 8 player map is bad mineral placement, blizzard drops ball on this alot on their 8 player maps

Been doing 8 player maps for 4 years, and now If i go back and study blizzard 8 player maps almost all of them are bad, I actually count money, distance, who has more easer gas or not, doest it take 1 command center or 2 to get money and gas, vs 1 command center for both, shame on u blizzard.

Hunters, homeworld, Orbital Death, Station Unrest, Killing Fields, all them misbalanced with money, gas placement, not to mention some bases have more edvantage then others.

If I was to pimp those maps and fix it they would be alot better maps, but I would get scolded for doing it

modified by King of 8 plr Maps
my favorite blizz 8 players are Tribes (actually balanced and everything) and Dark Continent where 2 players are mad close, 2 players are on highground, 2 players are semi close, and then 2 are away from it all so it adds very different gameplay everytime you play it.
king of 8 plr maps
Updated to final

Use map settings for 4vs4 so it be more fair Pos

modified by king of 8 plr maps
lol did you just say that tribes is balanced?

i can grant you that its fun, but its still a really shitty map.
yes its positionally balanced.... what isnt balanced?