How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1142
Author: Sky
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 04, 11 04:32
Comments (22)
looks solid... but not pretty.. make it look appealing and u have urself a map .. but at this point its not very appealing.. the mineral resticting cc lifting at the 6 expo isnt needed.. its jus so far to make an impact. so its not necessary .. delete it.. other than that .. it has potential.. jus clean it up.. btw dont sharpen the image that much.. it looks liek shit wen u do it that much
The caves is pretty gosu starforge editing though :) guess im the only one seeing it
that blocking mineral is the most unnessary thing i have ever seen on a map
i would loose the small bridges in the bottom left and right corners to leave more room for building at the expos down there
the bottom would look so plain without the bridges sigh.
anyways terran can kick moving a scv near the the island and build a cc there and lifting. but meh i guess i will take it out since you guys told me to.
yeah the caves is a custom doodad i made, im glad that someone noticed it.
i noticed it...cuz u told me. but it seems like a decent map for zerg, unless the t 3 raxes really quickly or something. that little backway doesnt work too well for mm, but u can hit miners pretty easily i learned when i played you. those big ramps and cliff thing is kinda wierd and it seems pointless, but it gives ur map originality.
the straight lines above the big bridges look bad.
overall gj ut u might wanna change some stuff at the bottom.
decent map for zerg? the distances between mains/nats are quite short.
bunker rush anyone?
mass expo for toss kthx
zerg cant do a shit ^^
yes my intentions are to make a balanced map pvz :D, also players need to spend an extra worker on gas natural. modified by IA-Sky
original. but it could look better aesthetically and some balance issues.
make it look cool dude. i know u can if u try lol.
but for sure, work on this one!
updated its beautiful now check the pic!
added ALOT of doodads and changed terrain a bit
Well... technically you only added two doodads ;)
woah that looks wierd. iono twilight is hard to make look really good. good try tho. looks better.
lol so true i only used 2 doodads repeated...
damn that's hot oO
that's like, a developement of LGIs idea on HP. it rocks on the pic as hell, never believed like this was possible, great job. i am impressed.
delete the 12h expo btw. this path is easy enough to push for terran, you don't have to donate him another gasexpo while doing this. other than that, the map rocks hell now
now idk if i shuld game on it or sing a christmas carol.. lol jus kidding.. looks good
im gonna get a few games on this map to see if the 12's expo should be deleted or not.
mainly tvp pvt.
i found a issue reguarding with one of my doodads blocking the way of building a comsat ill fix when i can.
looks like an angry midget actaully lol
took out the two doodads (the ones in the middle of the natural expos) (they blocked the building of a comsat)
didn't update the picture because i couldn't get a picture because im on a different computer.
i would loose the small bridges in the bottom left and right corners to leave more room for building at the expos down there
anyways terran can kick moving a scv near the the island and build a cc there and lifting. but meh i guess i will take it out since you guys told me to.
yeah the caves is a custom doodad i made, im glad that someone noticed it.
the straight lines above the big bridges look bad.
overall gj ut u might wanna change some stuff at the bottom.
bunker rush anyone?
mass expo for toss kthx
zerg cant do a shit ^^
modified by IA-Sky
added ALOT of doodads and changed terrain a bit
that's like, a developement of LGIs idea on HP. it rocks on the pic as hell, never believed like this was possible, great job. i am impressed.
delete the 12h expo btw. this path is easy enough to push for terran, you don't have to donate him another gasexpo while doing this. other than that, the map rocks hell now
mainly tvp pvt.
didn't update the picture because i couldn't get a picture because im on a different computer.