(3)Winged Horse
Map ID: #1144

Author: SummerSky
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 02, 06 21:16

Comments (10)
like 815 entrance
really nice assymetry and terrain . I like how almost everything is drop / siegable to compensate for the double entrance.
great map... only real problem is terran sieging ... gg all day if a t can set up show at the ramps and shoot mains.. really looks great tho.. very unique
Hm pathing should be pretty horrible in mid and lategame, right?

I dont think the concept with small ramps is a good idea here. Both closing the path completely or adding blocking mineral/building/unit seems more reasonable to me.

The naturals are really hard to secure. When I think of TvZ, I don't think that is that great of a choice.
how about making a neutralbuildin placement so that the entrance is like 815 ramps? then u can destroy them in late game and have normal paths?
't can set up show at the ramps and shoot mains'

to do it, T make dropship.

um.. natural is so far that z can make lurker before t attack natural of z
um.. neutral building. i think about it.
Or T will just have to fly a factory and land it on the top of the clift...
I like it ALOT.
Great job.

Why isnt blues start location on the other side of the entrance?
lol weird random map