(6)Raised Skirmish
Map ID: #1181

Author: EffectHypnotize
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 04, 10 05:07

Comments (39)
o threw this together real quick so its got no decoration.

please rate it too guys?
king of 8 plr maps
Not a bad map, only thing i see on this map is I would remove some minerals that after you make a command center on there is you would block traffic, you know the ones that beside narrow paths. those can be bad for the flow of the game, so for me I tend to place money in ereas where you dont get in the way of paths where traffic going threw is too narrow with command center.

Mabe try and get less square looking or better sprites for joining the grass to ruins,the side edges, they need less straight sprites, dont know if any good tiles are in starforge that would make it better.

And finally some adjustment to some paths, widen them little where you can.

If you decide to instead take out some those minreal only from top green to make mobility for units, dont be afriad to increase money for expos from 1,500 to 1,700 to some of them but make it balanced, people not gonna use this map for pro competition, the map goal should be fun, I increase money on maps that has shortage of minerals expos, Found that 1,700, money patch, and 7,000 for gas works for me, if theres enough gas then leave it 5,000, those basics for me when i make a map with alot players and real estate shortage.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
lol middle thing is really ugly. make main entrances bigger...
hmmm. i never put mins above 15k...

i made it in about 40 mins cuz i was in a hurry. ill fix it up alot and resubmit.
lol its a nice map :D

after fixing it up a bit to make it more appealing to the eye it would be great.

and like what others day path is kind of narrow
king of 8 plr maps
well deco last thing to fix, dont even talk deco at this point, the machanics needs fixen first, the game gotta run first before you add deco, 6,8 player maps dont have to follow 1 rax entrance, some Blizzard 6,8 player maps is wide, and alot them got 2 entrances, 6,8 player maps is played for fun, its not that type map you play all the time.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
6 players****
lol ill see what i can do.
king of 8 plr maps
update it slowly and upload here ill see it and mabe get some ideas going back and forth
Please tell me I'm crazy... Did I read what I thought I read? Are you really using blizzard maps as a guide to good map making? No, no... It can't be... I think I need glasses.
no lol
king of 8 plr maps
most Blizzard maps are bad, I was just saying 1 rax entrance not only way to make every map for 6 player map.

4 player map 1 rax entrance the norm to balance it out for competing, this map not for pro games, read my comment again but slowly this time, theres such thing as fun map & competing map.

this map needs little wide paths, and remove 4 mineral from middle paths that are in corners u gotta remove those 4 expos, its too tight a path there already, the base entrance, you can keep it this size its up to you, For me i would widen make 1 entrance just little bit bigger then a barracks.

shit you made entrace little too big, I just look over the updated version, if you gonna have 2 paths into entrance you need make entrance choke smaller, 1 entrance better for this, map bit unbalanced, its eather 1 way or other you cant make both with this map, u know what im saying.

1. 2 paths into base, the final choke into entrance should be smaller

2. 1 path into base then you can make entrance tiny bit bigger then a barracks.

choose one of those, not both, thats only way you can balance the map a little.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
u talk about big entrances, two entrances then complaij about it being too tight/ in a game its a lot bigger.
king of 8 plr maps
I didnt say to u make entrance bigger, I was just saying that 6 player maps differant game. all i say was take care and widen paths around the middle, not entrance path.
and remove those mineral on corner top green paths, and fix the middle ruins.

Inept the guy whos say make entrance bigger, he ment just little bit bigger, like 1 rax and depo entrance size, he never said make 2 paths in there.
Make the map way you like to play it.

Want me to clean up the map a little and try make it more balanced, you need take some those minerals out, I know which ones to take out

PS: Middle looks better then before

modified by king of 8 plr maps
too large, crappy tileset ramps, too much spread money, raised jungle in large amounts is not really appealing. the trees look horrible on pic, ingame it might work. still no map i'd like to play on ever
i think the trees look alto better in game. im tryin to get some originality here, not the same old goddamn boring maps that EVERY SINGLE PERSON makes. im so sick of all these symmetrical 4 player maps that will never be used except to test.

and stop saying maps are too big. its 6 players. also its 128x192. that is not too big. 192x192 is too big.

raised jungle looks good i think cuz its color is sexy and i havent seen any map with large amounts of raised jungle in a LONG time. the only one i can think of is that one island map (Valhalla?) and it looks really nice with raised jungle.

flo do u even play sc lol.
i asked him a couple times myself :)

i love blizzard maps btw arden ..:/
i think hes more into theorycraft than anything.

blizz map are so annoying you are zerg and u try to expo and there isnt even an expo near you lol.
fuck i cant edit it. i click edit and enter password but it comes to a blank screen when i try too edit...
i DO play scbw, and that is why i say it is too large. got minimap >192?
for the jungle part: colonization.

and if you make semi-crap in order to "make s.th. different than the boring 4playermaps", then this very statement speaks for those maps. if you think one color all the time is SO beautiful, go playing possi, there you have it as well.
too bad most map ONLY Have like TWO colors most of the time. and why does it have to be that appealing?

but seriously 4 player symmetry clones kinda suck no matter how good they look.
king of 8 plr maps
This map not bad, just gotta iron out flaws, and find good spots for expos, and decorate it, it be harder to do cause raised jungle, doesnt have doodads.
blizz maps you have to play differently though. we have a whole cahnnel were we all play blizz maps. got like 20-30 ppl that go there
king of 8 plr maps
Ill fixed some of this map and upload it EffectHypnotize, i did a rough draft of it, take a look at it.
no map has just 2 colors, fool. and even if, as long as there is some variety and no plain onecolored area, perfectly alroght.

your last point is the dumbest thing i ever read. when i say "seriously, all 8player and 6 player maps are clones and suck, no matter how good they look", i have exactly the value of your post.

btw: all maps are clones and suck. if they are interesting, they are only boring. this paragraph is a good argument so surrender to my opinion. thank you very much.
lol i guess if u look at it that way every single map is a clone cuz its either 2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8 players. lol.

but what ur telling me is to trash my map just cuz its all raised jungle. i cant do that so help me improve what i have instead of telling me what u want it to be. thx.
the crappy tilesetramps speak for themselves, don't they?
king of 8 plr maps
try and place money like mines, the corner bases can hit easly the mids naturals, look mines over

use staredit, play around with my version, and add custom ramps with SCMDRAFT2.

If u cant then just try see if you can move it to middle

modified by king of 8 plr maps
how do u make good custom ramps for raised jungle?
king of 8 plr maps
same as you did, theres no other way, just check tiles and try and make it look nice
the only way to have NO shitty custom ramps of raised jungle is not to create them in the first place because good ones dont exist.
so ill use decent ones. who cares really what it looks like as long as its decently blended...

i deleted my other one.
king of 8 plr maps
can you edit the one I uploaded, staredit all you need to edit, your stareditor might be screwed up, if you cant open it, cause i can open this map on mine

modified by king of 8 plr maps
um isnt it gone?
king of 8 plr maps
I have it here in my desktop, want me to upload fast and, lol want me to sneak it in here, mabe whats your email, ill send it to u
king of 8 plr maps
check your email, I send it to you
king of 8 plr maps
I also made more room at mains, I made better formation so you have more room to build, map should be there now

modified by king of 8 plr maps