(2)BL Wingchants v1.0
Map ID: #121

Author: Peatza[Ag]
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 03, 21 23:48

Comments (6)
Just one question? How to play this map against a Terran?

its just, it seems like you forgot the Tank. it really looks like a good map, if SC hasn`t the Tankrange. :/
Yes, same thing was on my mind. The map has an interesting layout, with many ideas that I would like to see implemented in other maps. It got this special feel, that no part of the map except the main really belongs to a certain player, because of the many routes around.

But z can hardly fast expand, and even worse - the map is so curly and narrow that terran would dominate it.
Too many chokes.. Too confusing. I dont like it.
fac port would be really annoying on this, t>p definitely.

guys, it's not that confusing. there is 1 path right up the middle. it's a rushier requiem with more expos _within your main_.

lurk drops would be such a pain zvp and zvt.

interesting expos other than those problems. such a short path map probably means terran push t>p too assuming they hold off the rush (proxy near the out-ramp means really really short distance)
This map need lots of gaming before any clear rights or wrongs can be pointed out. It's quite special and i guess none of the conventional strategies work too well here.. but that is kinda fun that too..
You also shouldnt spread your minerals like that, its makes for bad mining.