(4)Demon Cell
Map ID: #1226

Author: Spitfire[a2]
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2006, 04, 21 01:17

Comments (7)
Bad design. I know that.
Cross position path finding should be between the two center expos, right?
--v mOsQ
not bad
pretty nice.
yap. as you see, there is not much to say about it :P
basic map with a little bit of originality. i like it.
• check poathing from bootom left to top right
• make cliffs defendable against lurkers (leave some space for canons behind the mineral line)
• remove the small min-onlies which seem to only support top right and bottom left
• try to somehow improve the look
• interesting use of blocking buildings, i like it
• try to make the mineral onlies only "HQ -cliffable", so that the tank's can't reach almost all workers. Try to make it more like on 6 and not like on 9. Each expansion is tankable already so, that way you can at least safe your workers till reinforcements arive
• bottom left and top right _seem_ not as safe as the other two mainbases against mutalisks flying into your mineral line

So, i like it, but i'd work on some points. gj
modified by Listoric
just not a fan, sorry, good effort tho.