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(4)Weird Science
Map ID: #126
Author: Peatza[Ag]
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2006, 09, 18 22:32
Comments (11)
Hi again,
first of all, i dont like the look of the map, especially because the space tileset is not "the best" for a "natural" looking map like that. You`d better used another tileset. i dont want to tell you anything about two entries to the mainbase, you alraedy heard that thousand times i think, anyway, its the same here. it seems like you think that you cant harass a player without two entrances, but you can.
Its the stairs. Left stairs can only be climbed with middle sized units. right stairs can be climbed by all except ultra. it makes for different games depending on startposition. the map is supposed to look like it does, since no other titleset has the sme opportunities in versatile terrain.
Hmm, I don't know how you discribe a "natural" map but I believe most people wouldn't consider this to be a ordinary map. This map was supposed to be something different... If you play it, then you will now what I'm talking about. You can't jugde this map if you do not play it.
Oh yes i can. I can easily tell how unbalanced it is.
having 2 wide entrances to a base is very stupid.
This is definately one of your lesse balanced maps.. Whats terran to do vs Protoss zealots early game?
- Looks like fun PvP! :P
- Terran players are gonna love this!
- 2 entrances? DUDE WTF! If you're going to make 2 entrances, do it like on Bifrost, where one of them takes forever to reach.
- If T surives first 6 minutes, T >>>> P
- P > Z
- T > Z
- Weird design, not say this map; IMHO, is ugly
- Tanks pwn on this map
- Shift+Delete
Sorry, but this map is not very good. 3/10
Hans -_-
People are allowed to be a little creative every once in a while...
Of course, but keeping an amount of balance is just needed. I don't feel this map has any of that.
Sorry if I was a little to harsh.
- 1 entrance
- more open center
Don't delete it, I was JK. - PvP = gosu!
random map. interesting concept but too tight and very cliffable. Mains are too small. Double main entrance is a bitch.
No flanking at all.
wow weird science was a jazz jackrabbit 2 map. i loved it :D
nightmarjoo its a very old map, id 126 :)
I don't know exactly how the AI reacts to stairs - but this map could have a huge pathing issue as well ;)
first of all, i dont like the look of the map, especially because the space tileset is not "the best" for a "natural" looking map like that. You`d better used another tileset. i dont want to tell you anything about two entries to the mainbase, you alraedy heard that thousand times i think, anyway, its the same here. it seems like you think that you cant harass a player without two entrances, but you can.
Hmm, I don't know how you discribe a "natural" map but I believe most people wouldn't consider this to be a ordinary map. This map was supposed to be something different... If you play it, then you will now what I'm talking about. You can't jugde this map if you do not play it.
having 2 wide entrances to a base is very stupid.
- Looks like fun PvP! :P
- Terran players are gonna love this!
- 2 entrances? DUDE WTF! If you're going to make 2 entrances, do it like on Bifrost, where one of them takes forever to reach.
- If T surives first 6 minutes, T >>>> P
- P > Z
- T > Z
- Weird design, not say this map; IMHO, is ugly
- Tanks pwn on this map
- Shift+Delete
Sorry, but this map is not very good. 3/10
People are allowed to be a little creative every once in a while...
Sorry if I was a little to harsh.
- 1 entrance
- more open center
Don't delete it, I was JK. - PvP = gosu!
No flanking at all.
nightmarjoo its a very old map, id 126 :)