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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1268
Author: king of 8 plr maps
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2006, 06, 21 00:39
Comments (21)
king of 8 plr maps
Heres cool fun map, its my latest, and I managed to do something new. This one I think I made biggest bridges ever seen on starcraft map.
You can Use Map Settings for left vs right, for more balanced game.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
i recommend putting catwalk ramps for those gas onlies. then it will be more even with the middle bases since there gas is on ground
Hm... The building space leaves much to be desired (due to the in-base natural) but itis still a nice map. I'd say that it's 90% Forte -.- but it's not bad. Although I can't see that base layout working too well...
ur maps are getting alot better. looks pretty sexy
king of 8 plr maps
I wanted forte for 6, but new setup for 6 and My version fixed the imbalanced ramps at bottom bases that exist on forte.
I might release the 4 player version of Reactor.
Arden wolf what about bases how do u think I can improve them but not remove small base followed my natural.
I was thinking remove that catwalk post at entrance, what U think, dont forget also mains minerals when they gone you have more room at main to build
I made this cause I wanted a 6 player map thats professionally done that plays like forte but for 6 players.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
king of 8 plr maps
Updated to Final.
Things thats new, I widened bases little more, and fixed gas, now more balanced.
I feel sorry for P on this map. The exit is even wider than that of forte, and the starting main even smaller as well. You'll need something to help P out here.
King of 8 plr Maps
I can tighten the exits.
to play this map right when toss ive seen it in a game test, is to start building at exits with 2 or more cannans then gates.
This not pro map for competition, so good players can adapt to it, look at hunters the exits are bigger then this.
If its noob player the small exits wont help them anyways, cause when it comes to crunch time and they need to expand it be game over.
modified by King of 8 plr Maps
"to play this map right when toss ive seen it in a game test, is to start building at exits with 2 or more cannans then gates."
You usually don't want to be passive as P in a 3on3 afaik.
"This not pro map for competition, so good players can adapt to it, look at hunters the exits are bigger then this."
No one ever said the hunters was balanced.
"If its noob player the small exits wont help them anyways, cause when it comes to crunch time and they need to expand it be game over."
The problem is however, when 2 (or more for a 6player game) relatively good players play against eachother, and one is Z and the other is P, he can easily run past any early zeals for P and rape probes. If P went for forge, Z can expand without even having to worry, perhaps even taking a second expansion. See my problem? You're forcing the P to do a specific opening.
acuatelly hunters is VERY balanced, in terms of race. protoss tends to rape team games, so they don't need help at all.
king of 8 plr maps
I agree with Inept.
I'm a toss player, and i dont like small exits.
If theres more then 4 players toss can hold his own easy. I play alot with 6-8 player maps, Ive learned that small entrance too tight for big battles.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
Well T is really in trouble against P here. And of course P against Z. But I assume that was on purpose?
no race is in trouble against any race. its a goddamn 6 player map. Marines, medics, zealots, and zerglings is what you will see most of.
it really depends on your teamwork
king of 8 plr maps
Map Updated alot fixes done
I aint new to making maps those entrance is a counter balance to a free natural.
Theres alot maps made for terran, this one more in favour of toss players like me, I like open battlefield on this. Goons & Hadras Own, but can be fun map in any race, after all this map for fun.
I wanted the opposite of Kings Reign, Reactor got big ass battlefield, king Reign more micro, and favour terran.
I decided to remove forte gameplay and make this more balanced, and more original.
New changes; now your main starts at bottom and natural expo is on top platform, its feals better this way and better for gameplay, + the naturals close to base exit as it should be.
Also entrance is perfect 1 barracks and 2 depots exactly for all bases, this best I can offer terran lovers.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
inept is right
hmm, you _could_ tighten the entrances with neutral buildings on the wider part, between the catwalk and space on the choke. it could fuck up pathing, but it may be worth a try.
really like it.
king of 8 plr maps
I dont want it tightend, I want this to be challenging map. I know terran have trouble at begining with toss, or toss having trouble with zerg at start.
Free expo in base means i have to counter that little otherwise terran can turtle to easly
modified by king of 8 plr maps
i would go 7 and 6 with the main and nat in main minerals, and addd more to the outside. a little too comfy to turtle in with all those resources.
king of 8 plr maps
updated map, fixed all entrance to all bases and made it smaller, it fits now 1 rax and depot to block it
this map is pretty solid.. l[w]l has played a few games on it.. its fun..
suggestion: move the minerals away from the edge of the screen so there is harassing capabilites etc
king of 8 plr maps
Theres enough space at bottom of each minerals for drop and for harrassment, the map is tight so i needed to push minerals all way back.
I try give little more room only at bottom of mineral line.
ok made little adjustment
You can Use Map Settings for left vs right, for more balanced game.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
I might release the 4 player version of Reactor.
Arden wolf what about bases how do u think I can improve them but not remove small base followed my natural.
I was thinking remove that catwalk post at entrance, what U think, dont forget also mains minerals when they gone you have more room at main to build
I made this cause I wanted a 6 player map thats professionally done that plays like forte but for 6 players.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
Things thats new, I widened bases little more, and fixed gas, now more balanced.
to play this map right when toss ive seen it in a game test, is to start building at exits with 2 or more cannans then gates.
This not pro map for competition, so good players can adapt to it, look at hunters the exits are bigger then this.
If its noob player the small exits wont help them anyways, cause when it comes to crunch time and they need to expand it be game over.
modified by King of 8 plr Maps
You usually don't want to be passive as P in a 3on3 afaik.
"This not pro map for competition, so good players can adapt to it, look at hunters the exits are bigger then this."
No one ever said the hunters was balanced.
"If its noob player the small exits wont help them anyways, cause when it comes to crunch time and they need to expand it be game over."
The problem is however, when 2 (or more for a 6player game) relatively good players play against eachother, and one is Z and the other is P, he can easily run past any early zeals for P and rape probes. If P went for forge, Z can expand without even having to worry, perhaps even taking a second expansion. See my problem? You're forcing the P to do a specific opening.
I'm a toss player, and i dont like small exits.
If theres more then 4 players toss can hold his own easy. I play alot with 6-8 player maps, Ive learned that small entrance too tight for big battles.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
it really depends on your teamwork
I aint new to making maps those entrance is a counter balance to a free natural.
Theres alot maps made for terran, this one more in favour of toss players like me, I like open battlefield on this. Goons & Hadras Own, but can be fun map in any race, after all this map for fun.
I wanted the opposite of Kings Reign, Reactor got big ass battlefield, king Reign more micro, and favour terran.
I decided to remove forte gameplay and make this more balanced, and more original.
New changes; now your main starts at bottom and natural expo is on top platform, its feals better this way and better for gameplay, + the naturals close to base exit as it should be.
Also entrance is perfect 1 barracks and 2 depots exactly for all bases, this best I can offer terran lovers.
modified by king of 8 plr maps
really like it.
Free expo in base means i have to counter that little otherwise terran can turtle to easly
modified by king of 8 plr maps
suggestion: move the minerals away from the edge of the screen so there is harassing capabilites etc
I try give little more room only at bottom of mineral line.
ok made little adjustment
modified by king of 8 plr maps