(4)Imperial Bridges
Map ID: #1271

Author: JK)Valkyrion
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2006, 05, 03 19:59

Comments (8)
valkyrion is back to his old structure :( its alright but...meh raptor is a lot cooler. this is just a symmetrical thing like many of your other maps
are those min blocks value 1? They look big
no value is 8

for inept: i know that raptor is better, but is too hard now to make a original and bilanced map for 4 players
i like the look of this one a lot, might want to let z fast expand though. use the wasted ground at 12 and 6 for something, maybe connect those to air expos by high ground and ramps.
for make a second natural?
however those wasted space are not totally uselesses, i have make them for allow the protoss to drop and attack those air exps, and there is a rocky ground to not allow to the Terran to make turret
the dentist
toss expo is too hard vs zerg, cost too much. z>p
nah is ok imo