Map ID: #1317

Author: JK)Valkyrion
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 06, 02 10:41

Comments (33)
my new map

i'm not sure for the middle, however:

-2 expos for each player(all gas have value 5000)
-2 expos in commune(without gas)
modified by Valkyrion
natural is too open, center to useless and way too large. the neutral gasexpos are untakeable against terran.
-i can sorround the nat with a temple-wall
-for the way, i can put a tiny temple-wall in front of 2 gas expos
-for the center y i agree, i can try to remake it
-the neutral gas expos= 2expos?
neutral gasepxos are the ones on highground next to each main.
i didn't say anything about a way, but your center is way too large to be just plain with 2 temple walls.
Looks very promising. I like your decoration style.
king of 8 plr maps
2 expos in middle somehow doesnt look right.

mabe make middle expos with gas and side ones without gas, but center expos needs some adjustment

modified by king of 8 plr maps
y now i work on this map, for make it more better
ok i have changed the center, and i have move each 2 gas expos a little in front
modified by Valkyrion
King of 8 plr Maps
yeah moving gas expo more to front opens up new elemt in gameplay, they have now drop zone in back mineral expo, better this way, its 1 step away from normal. The center mineral looks better, but may need testing for balance

modified by King of 8 plr Maps
Looks pretty nice. Maybe try to move a mineral block from the main to the nat so taking it would be worth more.

-i have move each 2 expo a bit near each natural,
therefore now they do not be able more to be attached from the main.
it seems impossible to get a 2nd exp...
nah, example: Terran in red main and Protoss in blue main, if the p isn't stupid, take the 2 expos in 2h, not expo in 11h, i think now is ok, perhaps the middle is narrow...
take example it is a 2on2 map as well?!
why?, i think is ok for 1vs1...
then delete two start locations if you only want to have a decent play in 1on1, without paying attention to 2on2
no, i don't like the maps of two players(in fact i have make only one with 2 players),however i don't see this huge problem with 2 expos...mmm now that i think about it, i can make a ramp in the area behind each 2 expo
modified by Valkyrion
do you misunderstand on purpose?!

ok, for the slow ones:
you already have expos "far away from the enemy" when playing 1on1 on a 2on2 map. but if you create a 2on2 map, it HAS TO HAVE A GOOD GAMEPLAY IN 2ON2 AS WELL. in 2on2, there is no semi-safe 2nd expo at all. getting more than natural is nearly impossible.
hey read, i have write, that i can make a ramp in the area behind each 2 expos....this resolves the problem...
-added ramps in the area behind each 2 exp to make them more easy to defend
I'm diggin this map.. it looks great now compared to wen u first submitted it. great work

i must suggest that u use inverted ramps for teal's main ramp.. its very awkward and should be changed
y is true, i changed teal ramp now :d

modified by Valkyrion
other suggestion? what is now the problem?, i have resolved the mistake of 2 each exp...


- i have make water near the natural
modified by Valkyrion
modified by Valkyrion
the dentist
i think the 2nd exp is perfect on this map. 3rd geysers aren't supposed to be defendable, they're for the person who is dominating the map to get more gas and start to win against a 2-baser turtle
y i agree, so i erase the water, and i make the 2 expos become more hard? how it was first? or i live thus?
mmm,i'm undecided, but the 2 gas expo can have value of 2500, maybe is better or no?
other comment?
Check GMCS.

typo in GMCS - ramp* not ramps
it seems but in reality it is = to the others, i have already test them , putting us some tanks
Tanks are a bad unit of measure. I just tested this with zlots:

Check GMCS for zealot wall values.

The walls are certainly not equal. And the one I was reffering to is definetly the smallest.
modified by Arden(WoF)
ok, i work on it tnx

modified by Valkyrion
From what I can see it looks good. The walls dont have to be perfect, but they look much closer.
y, impossible to do the same wall, with those inverted ramps