How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1343
Author: NastyMarine and Arden(WoF)
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 09 21:17
Comments (45)
pimping century?
the 800hp-building is not enough for 2nd entrance btw... natural in ZvT = no fe :[ modified by flothefreak
This map has been collecting dust in the "Pimp my map" section. After weeks of neglection (maybe even months) I decided that it needed attention. In this version, I added some different elements from the original, but I kept to the same layout. I also (obviously) improved on decoration and "smoothness". I'm pretty happy with the outcome of this map. Thanks NastyMarine for the original, and dont worry, credit was given in the map description.
--By the way, even though it may look like it. There are no pathfinding issues (because of the bridges) I tested that myself. modified by Arden(WoF)
Ok, I thought it had more health than 800 =/. I can change it.
what building do you suggest I use? modified by Arden(WoF)
whoa! call the undertaker and tell him we dont need his services, this map is alive and kickin'!
the sexy is pulsating out of this map :)
happy wuld be an understatement no joke
What about the psi disrupter? How many HP does that have?
cant u just change the hp of the power generator?
i'd prefer the power generator.. i like to go for a realistic feel in most of my maps and a power generator building looks like its part of the stucture than apart from it modified by NastyMarine
True... I think I can change the HP in standard Staredit (hp = 250% or w/e). But I can't find that option in SCMDraft, which is where I need it.
My other option is to stack (or place very close to) another Generator. This would grant the wall 1600 HP effectively. modified by Arden(WoF)
Not really!if tanks or firebats or any other unit with splash attacks the stacked buildings they both get the full damage!
you cannot change any setting of sprites. you have to use an alternative building. psi disruptor was 1000 or 1500, not sure. goddamn, just test it...
I have been testing it... And I've decided to go with the psi disruptor. It has 2000 hp, and with two next to each other (kind of on top of each other) they block units fine. And it doesn't matter if splash damage kills both at the same time, the wall was only meant to be 2000 anyway, not 4000 (with them combined). modified by Arden(WoF)
I guess stuff like this is what The Dentist likes to see; people working together on certain maps making them better :D
Damn it... I am very pissed... The bridges now officially screw up pathing, they never used to! And it seems like I didn't add the buildings right, minor mistake.
I hate the fact that I had to do that, but I removed the bridges. I also fixed other misc things. modified by Arden(WoF)
I tested this out just now, and it plays pretty smoothly. There may be too many things in the middle, but it was PvP, and the battles took place right outside the natural. We need a good PvT game on this to test the middle out.
ill get that going on today. tvp and tvz .. pvz games look very interesting on this map
Final version (I think) plus obs.
The map is hard enough for terran whith the second entry to main base and the backdoor entry on the first natural, so i think it's better to make the cliff dropable. Not only for tanks, for lurkers too. It's possible and the map needs this.
MOTW asap
I think it is possible to hit the mins from behind the nat "cliff". That already gives terran a jumper, but if you want the cliff, I can add it.
if its necessary i'd say do it. but leave space for 2 cannons/turrets for safe gaurding the min line.
Update will be tomorrow (most likely)
Added ridges and moved the mineral lines out a bit more.
our national team leader chose THIS map to be the fifth map of a tournament among hungarians ^^
lol? I wonder if he got the version with the ridges... btw, I might improve on deco a little bit, I realize that the ridges made the "ponds" a little alkward. modified by Arden(WoF)
the battleground which is found on our homepage is 2.0 the same as here, so i guess he got the latest release :)
sweet..although it has always been 2.0 (2.0 version of nasty's original) and I just updated it 5 secs ago, let him know. (if its too late, thats fine, i only changed tiny things.) modified by Arden(WoF)
thats cool man ... sweet.
so if i'll be able to get the replays i will upload it
anyways grat guys, your map have already become tourney-map :)
add some space behind naturalmins. so you can move the expo closer to the entrance (dunno how good creep secures entrance), and it helps fighting off clifflurks and mutas if you can establish 1-2 cannons behind the mins
LOL the pic still has destroyed cannons behind the mains, but those won't show up in-game. As you can see (by the destroyed cannons) four cannons can fit behind the mins. But a pylon can only cover three (I think).
Looks interesting.
Any replays showing fights about the second entrance?
tomorrow lis, tomorrow :)
Hey guys, this is a possible (2)MOTY candidate, what do you guys think about it?
I really like the map, it offers a nice variety of paths, along with a backdoor
Wow... you actually considered this? Hah.. cool. That just goes to show how much Nasty is pimp with concepts =).
sweet, finally getting reps in from that testing crew :D
well, the replays show what we were discussing a lot: zerg has a very hard time on this map against terran. the natural is so open and easy attackable from both sides...hard to handle for zerg. i guess it is seriously imbalanced...
ah I haven't seen them yet, ima do that now...
watched the reps and Z with the two way nat is totally fucked so i made the chokes smaller. I hope that this will help Z out - allowing it to cover the entrances easier.
What do you guys think?
Oh and added a killer obs version :P modified by NastyMarine
what about closing it with another neutral building? this would imo fit perfectly into the map - just stack 2 disruptors next to each other (like, so the overlap with one half), in a way you have to destroy BOTH to gain entrance to the nat. this changes two things: zerg can focus on the main entrance, having a closed wall in the back AND if terran comes through the back, 2x1500HP building buy enough time for zerg to react and morph defence there. an overlord on the cliff then tells if the terran attacks the buildings.
disruptors are 2000 hp
oh, my bad. well, still okay for me :)
ok just watched those three reps, I don't see any racial imabalance. Zerg played it wrong =/
Also, for all three games pos were the same, does your obs version make players not random?
maybe not but i did make an edit after seeing the reps so it should be ok now if it wasnt a coincidence
- New entrance created at gas expos at 12 and 6.
- Xel Naga Temple buildings replace the Psi Distruptors at the backdoor entrances at the mains.
- One Power Generator placed at each natural's backdoor, partially covering the entrance.
the 800hp-building is not enough for 2nd entrance btw... natural in ZvT = no fe :[
modified by flothefreak
--By the way, even though it may look like it. There are no pathfinding issues (because of the bridges) I tested that myself.
modified by Arden(WoF)
what building do you suggest I use?
modified by Arden(WoF)
the sexy is pulsating out of this map :)
happy wuld be an understatement no joke
i'd prefer the power generator.. i like to go for a realistic feel in most of my maps and a power generator building looks like its part of the stucture than apart from it
modified by NastyMarine
My other option is to stack (or place very close to) another Generator. This would grant the wall 1600 HP effectively.
modified by Arden(WoF)
modified by Arden(WoF)
I hate the fact that I had to do that, but I removed the bridges. I also fixed other misc things.
modified by Arden(WoF)
modified by Arden(WoF)
modified by Arden(WoF)
anyways grat guys, your map have already become tourney-map :)
Any replays showing fights about the second entrance?
I really like the map, it offers a nice variety of paths, along with a backdoor
What do you guys think?
Oh and added a killer obs version :P
modified by NastyMarine
Also, for all three games pos were the same, does your obs version make players not random?
- New entrance created at gas expos at 12 and 6.
- Xel Naga Temple buildings replace the Psi Distruptors at the backdoor entrances at the mains.
- One Power Generator placed at each natural's backdoor, partially covering the entrance.