(4)Elohssa Nemes
Map ID: #1397

Author: PsychoTEMPlar
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 06, 28 20:39

Comments (3)
Another horrid map from yours truly.

Experimenting with main minerals at choke... perhaps the bases are too close together though =( Me thinks it will be fun to try anyway though. If you don't mind opening it up in the editor and telling me if I did a good job of making the map pretty or not... do so (the screen shot doesn't do the map justice). All in Starcraft Campaign Editor =O

modified by PsychoTEMPlar
yeah they're definitely too close.. if you move them further from each other that will perhaps help

but i like this idea so keep it up
so your back to the old tradition. way to make it so obvious this time, though i admit its a good one.

Ill play you on it.