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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(2)Bulle Baiikon
Map ID: #1409
Author: trcc
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 07, 24 18:29
Comments (11)
it is at his very first point, it will probably suck :P still no decoration atm, mineral placement is bad, i just wanted if i should scrap it right away and not loose time with it.. This is my first map in ... months so once i will be back fo real i might make more By the way it is not supposed to show mineral block, i was just too lazy to make another screesnshot modified by trcc
nice concept. I'd prefer neutral buildings over minerals to block in the center, especially as miners will not usually go there ever. Make it pretty weak buildings that do not take forever to destroy in the middle, this path should not be hard to clear.
well i like the concept, if I still played SC I'd try it :[
Great layout, lovin the idea of the nats being beside the passage to main, instead of being 'on the way' to the main. It adds imo, a different type of gameplay to early and mid game. And the mains chokes and nats are pretty well positionally balanced for that setup; as well as the map in general. I'd really enjoy watching or playing a TvP, PvZ, or TvZ on this map. modified by NastyMarine
well good idea, i also have the idea of making a map like this, but never managed to finish :)
one thing: arent the passageway too tight from 1st choke to the 2nd?
I don't know what to comment... As always it looks really fresh. I still can't see the point of the mineral walls in center, but i hope that you've put them for something there... Keep up the good work!
trcc the fresh map maker :D
There's no mineral in middle :P If u look in my first post, i said i was too lazy to replace the screenshot lol :P There's currently no mineral block in the middle
gosu map! finally someone found the idea of giving no traditional wall-in to prevent early-FE-and-macro-style^^
yea whats ironic is if anyone else had done this, everyone would say to them WTF ZERG HAS NO FAST EXPANSION
but since trcc made it, its alright and its fresh
i can see all the chokes on this map being a problem TvP
modified by lnept
"yea whats ironic is if anyone else had done this, everyone would say to them WTF ZERG HAS NO FAST EXPANSION
but since trcc made it, its alright and its fresh"
very true.. but at the same time, it was done well, which helps the outlook on the rest of the map. he did a good job with it.
bulle means biscuit in swedish :P
zerg can fast expo just fine. look at neo forte. just make a hatch in the choke of the 2nd ramp then ur expo. most of the time zergs mineral advantage doesnt even start util a bit later in the early game because they need at least 8 miners to make any noticable difference... zerg always can expo if their is a choke.
modified by trcc
well i like the concept, if I still played SC I'd try it :[
modified by NastyMarine
one thing: arent the passageway too tight from 1st choke to the 2nd?
trcc the fresh map maker :D
but since trcc made it, its alright and its fresh
i can see all the chokes on this map being a problem TvP
modified by lnept
but since trcc made it, its alright and its fresh"
very true.. but at the same time, it was done well, which helps the outlook on the rest of the map. he did a good job with it.