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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1514
Author: Snooky
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 11 23:14
Comments (5)
Biggest concern of this map is the secret gas only expo within the main. It plays a key role in balance as I made this map to be a 2v2 map, not 1v1. So for the most part it gives zerg a chance to claim 2 geysers in a typical 2v2 game with the price of requireing more workers to mine at an efficient pace. I thought this was a cool idea. In long 2v2 games, it would also help Terran by giving him easy gas to claim. If this map were to be used in 1v1, I could definetely see zerg's taking the gas expo from the rear side of empty bases.
Another concern about the geyser excluding balance is pathing. In exploring the position clockwise to you, you WILL have to manually do it. AI gets confused as it tries to take the route through the geyser which it cannot. Same if you're sending troops out of your base. Simple solution: Walk outside of your mineral only nat first, then to whichever base you choose. Testing this map, people really hate the pathing issue. But it's not as much of an issue on this map as it is on others. I would go so far as to consider pathing part of the game play. People have become very spoiled of their unit's AI. That's my opinion modified by Snooky
cool idea. idk how good that would work in game, but still cool idea
i dont advise putting that divider at the main choke but its cool :)
really open middle :( even for me thats huge lolz
nice idea tho
I like the layout of the map, looks fresh. as u said, it is ment to be played 2vs2. Have u tested pathing top to down position? Do units take the cliff route or they just walk around it?
I got to play it a couple times but we weren't focused on testing, just playing
Another concern about the geyser excluding balance is pathing. In exploring the position clockwise to you, you WILL have to manually do it. AI gets confused as it tries to take the route through the geyser which it cannot. Same if you're sending troops out of your base. Simple solution: Walk outside of your mineral only nat first, then to whichever base you choose. Testing this map, people really hate the pathing issue. But it's not as much of an issue on this map as it is on others. I would go so far as to consider pathing part of the game play. People have become very spoiled of their unit's AI. That's my opinion
modified by Snooky
i dont advise putting that divider at the main choke but its cool :)
really open middle :( even for me thats huge lolz
nice idea tho