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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
(4)Cesarincc Twilight
Map ID: #152
Author: Starparty
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 03, 21 18:11
Comments (18)
Hmm, i just like your map :) maybe the fight places are a bit small, so its hard to walk around a terran tank, but it really looks good!
i wonder if zerglings can take a shortcut at 6 o'clock to the natural, i`ll test it immediately ;)
Ah, i love my eye ^^ yes, zerglings could take a shortcut, but you could easily prevent that by putting a doodad (i suggest a white crater with ◘◘ two fields in the left side of the small part between cliff and water at six o'clock)
btw, i made the map for a guy in forum who had a picture but no staredit knowledge :P
Hehe, nice-guy-SP. Fine looking map (know we also know why) but each player's part of the map is easily sealed off. This goes for all, so isn't really an unbalance, but since you can easily secure mmany resources this way, I believe a lot of turtling would occur. Like tornado terrans, hitting 140 supply and then move out.
Anyway, whether this is a con or pro to the map, is a matter of taste. Some hate Ash Rose for its turtlability (my own word), some like it for the very same reason. Different sorts of maps, is nice and I would like to have some games at this.
First sight it says terran, but i think its more a question of beeing agressive. bot p and z can FE to contain 2 expoes
Your name
oh and i fixed the bug with rocksteady cliff instead :p
The map looks very good from a aesthetic(sp?) point of view. The distances are so long, that's actually anti-terran, at least with my terran-style (I love slowpushing). The concept of the map is the main problem, maybe you should take away those walls between the natural and the cliff leading to the secound natural expansion, but there would be some position imbalances then.
Optic : 9/10
Gameplay/Concept as it is now: 4/10
Im just making it, blame cecarincc :)
This verison is updated and opened up a bit.
This version is much better. But put your name in the "author" part, too. I believe making the map is the hard part, not having the idea. Esp. considering you changed some things from the original concept.
I think, that vespene geyser in blue's natural is a liitle bit to close to the ramp.
Moving the ramp a bit might be good. But make sure wallin is possible everywhere.
The paths are just too long, make a 2nd way into the nats and you have one cool map.
Isnt 2 paths just enough?
You're right, I was mistaken and forgot about those ramps. It's good :)
this map is bitchin too. jesus there are too many good maps on this site. not saying they're perfect, but they deserve some hardcore playing, tourneys, etc.
i wonder if zerglings can take a shortcut at 6 o'clock to the natural, i`ll test it immediately ;)
Anyway, whether this is a con or pro to the map, is a matter of taste. Some hate Ash Rose for its turtlability (my own word), some like it for the very same reason. Different sorts of maps, is nice and I would like to have some games at this.
Optic : 9/10
Gameplay/Concept as it is now: 4/10