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(4)The Great Divide 4
Map ID: #154
Author: Tuy
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 06, 01 12:16
Comments (23)
I would suggest you to make widen ramps to gain more accessibility to the middle. Good overall map :)
You drop a Tank and kill the gas or some minerals, no matter on which fly-only in the corners you drop the Tank. the only position which is "safe" to that tactic is 6 o'clock.
same reversed: with a tank in the main base at 12, you can hit the gas at the fly-only up left. or from 6 o'clock you hit the minerals at the fly-only in the lower right corner.
and the wall-ins aren`t the same (only 3=9 and 6=12), but that`s not a problem, it's a feature :) i like it. the rest of the map looks fine to me too.
wallins should be tested when you take mapping serious...and it should be possible on each position. I did not test that, I assume that it works. I really like your approach, the map looks good while being quite innovative layout wise. blue and purple & red and green have very close positions, it works on incubus, I'm not sure if it works as well here.
I give 8/10, based on image only.
I've updated the map. Siege tanks from the island expansions can no longer reach any resources in the mains. I also widened the ramps. Wallins are possible in every base with one barracks and one supply depot.
Wide ramps make it much more accesible. much better
If anyone has any more suggestions please tell me. Otherwise I will move it to "user-final" in a couple days.
If you are sure wallin is possible everywhere, I can't say anything more. Fine map.
If you are sure wallin is possible everywhere, I can't say anything more. Fine map.
Even though it may look like you can wall in the 4 and 10 positions with just a barracks, you actually have to put a depot above(for 10) or below(for 4) the barracks, next to the water.
For some reason I can't update this map. It just says "wrong password", but I typed in the only password that I ever use. I wanted to move it to "user-final". Panschk would you be able to fix this?
I just changed it. I used your password and it worked. I had the same problem once, seems to be very random.
With the changes i typed in GMCS i think this map would reach it's pinnacle. as it is now its definitely ok, but with those minor tweaks it is definitely worth of MotW3
Well your changes seem reasonable, but if he does not want to change it anymore, I could live with it, too. It's already a very good map imo.
Your name
i also think, map is very good. only thing is, gas at 6 natural is below the cc/nexus/hatch, so you have to use 4 workers. since it's not the main gas, it might not be so important and also putting it to the top would make it pretty easy to attack which would make it unbalanced, too. nevertheless i think your map would be even more balanced if you put gas to the left and minerals downward.
forgot to enter my name above...
another major problem seems to be that the positions 11-4 and 5-10 are pretty close. very hard for zerg to do a FE, setting up a containment hindering you to expand to your natural can be done kind of easily. maybe you could make an additional ramp, so you can access the middle and the other expansions from your main? not really shure if that would help though.
The map is "final", probably we won't see many changes.
Yeah, the distances are quite small in some situations. On close positions, a zerg fe would probably be too risky. Just like LT, and Gaia, this map is far from symmetrical and therefore you can't play the same way on every position.
yeah, maybe leave it like that and make the next one not so close?
This map looks very good, i like it, but there is a little things to fix. One hole for tanks to drop, and you should fix the range of the tank. Look at GMCS.
P.S. Sorry about the "Tank picture"
Well i play on the map few times. It's a good map for sure. I had fun alright, but not very good games for saving replay. The map feels very wide and open and that is good, because players can make good unit control. The ramps are very good too. But one of my games were PvZ me P, and he was on 3 hat4s me on 3 gates, i can defend my base well even with that entrance, but i can't attack him, he have many places to hide, and sneak in the back.
Your Name
Twilight is good.
I think this map deserves a makeover, if anyone is in the mood for a pimpin', then this would be an ideal choice.
same reversed: with a tank in the main base at 12, you can hit the gas at the fly-only up left. or from 6 o'clock you hit the minerals at the fly-only in the lower right corner.
and the wall-ins aren`t the same (only 3=9 and 6=12), but that`s not a problem, it's a feature :) i like it. the rest of the map looks fine to me too.
I give 8/10, based on image only.
Yeah, the distances are quite small in some situations. On close positions, a zerg fe would probably be too risky. Just like LT, and Gaia, this map is far from symmetrical and therefore you can't play the same way on every position.
P.S. Sorry about the "Tank picture"
lurkcontain in ZvP :<