(2)Off Guard
Map ID: #1550

Author: SynDroMe
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 11, 04 22:22

Comments (7)
scmjpeg wont freaking draw the minblock at the top-left island.
modified by SynDrome

a 3 hatching zerg would have a gosu amount of gas. otherwise looks pretty good. i dont know about having 3 expos on one easily chokeable island thing... terran could just sieg up like a mofo and have 4 expos like that, plu sthe other gas in his base
I think the current bridges could be probematic maybe a bit too t favoring

You have 3 possible route, the bridges or the cliffs, i dont know, maybe if u use smaller bridges or widen bridges it could be better
I cant just let zerg go 3 hatch... i can go normal 9/10 and apply pressure, since its a bit of a micro map. the middle favors T allright, but i dont want to atack terran all the way to the middle. you need to set up flanks on the other ways too.
ya take out the in base gas only expo .. too much gas.. i still dont like the backdoor entrance to the main tho :/
Bringing Old maps Back =D
The mains and nats need a lot of work, they're taking up a lot of space and as result the rest of the map is pretty tight.
Also I reccomend making the bridges in the middle one big bridge.
Top left island doesn't have a min block.
The geyser in the mains imo really makes the map z>p and z>t, the extra gas zerg gets is ridiculous. Better to give it to the min only imo.