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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1597
Author: Frank-Terrorist
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 09, 08 03:53
Comments (12)
Well, I got my hands on SCMDraft and made this thing... I used to be a hardcore StarEdit user, but I do kinda like messing around with the custom tiles and sprites.
There is a lot of custom art in here... hunks of bridge lying around in the water and custom "rocks" made from chunks of high ground, ramps, etc. Please let me know if you find any errors in this stuff, as its my first time experimenting with it.
The map itself is an idea that I've been wanting to try for a while. I think the mains are a good size and the nats are the right size to allow fast exp strategies to be interesting. The distance between the bases is longer than it looks due to the S shape of the path between the 2 mains.
Is the middle too open for a 1v1 map? The cliffs will already give terrans a head-start if they want to slow-push, so I didn't want to close it off any more. There are a moderate number of doodads there as well.
Stuff to note:
- Mins/gas can't be tanked from outside the main.
- Mins/gas at the nat is out of tanking distance from across the water.
- Cracks added to terrain in the lower left and upper right to prevent any walls from being constructed. However, there are sufficient holes in the cracks to allow turrets to be constructed.
A terran could, if he wanted, wall this passage off near his nat using 3 depots and 1 rax.
- Ramps into mains are wallable with 1 rax and 2 depots. The neck of the lower base is wide enough to prevent the LT 9h-style wall.
- Bridges are shortened a little.
- A row of doodads is placed in the middle below each base's cliff to lessen a terran's ability to blast buildings from outside the other player's base.
- Critters are placed on all the low ground surrounding the mains on squares where tanks can be dropped. Does anyone know of a better way?
- All gas is on the left or top.
looks very good, just a bit conserned with player 2's main, the way from ramp to mins seems a bit tight, and the prob is you have to cross that choke, buty player 1 doesnt.
added it on gmcs
Well, it's wider than the 9h ramp on LT. You can't block it with 1 rax and 2 depots, or even with 2 rax. I'll see what I can do to open things up a tiny bit... I'll also probably move the vespene guyser at the 2nd player's nat down 1 square (LD2 position is just as good as LD1 position).
What is gmcs?
OK, Updated it and made player 2's choke a tiny bit bigger. I changed the ramp over to custom terrain so I could move the wall closer to it... I had to kill one square from the lower left non-walkable portion of the ramp, but I think I picked tiles such that this is barely noticible (let me know if I made any mistakes).
Player 2's entrance choke now 4 pylons tall and 6 pylons wide... the 2 right bases on luna have similar entrances that are only 5 pylons wide. On (2)Nightlight, a map that's been used in WGT and WWI, the right player has an entrance like that which is only 3 pylons wide (MUCH, MUCH narrower). I've never seen it affect gameplay in any major way.
I suppose if you let a terran get tanks in there, you're screwed, but really, if he wanted to contain you, he'd be better off trying to contain you at the more narrow choke below the ramp.
Hi Frank ^^
I can't find any problems with your custom terrain. But that's pretty clear because most of your custom terrain consists of mirrored tiles which obviously nicely fit together. You could vary the tiles you use for the dark lines a little, in game it looks not that good if they are all the same.
o_0 very nice now frank, 9 ;)
I'm still kinda newbish with SCMDraft... I was kinda stuck with what I could use for the dark lines because most of the available options were 1 square fatter than I needed.
Thanks for the comments, I'll see if I can get some good reps up soon.
map is open in the most important parts, terran shoud have toruble getting a second expo modified by SynDrome
This is good, yes? T should have to work a little bit for his 3rd gas.
TvT, no problem there. TvZ, T can push out and either take the upper-left or lower-right corner, or try to get across the bridges for another gas.
In TvP, P has a bit of a tough time containing because of the cliffs around the ramps. When I tried TvP, I found that T can push out to the bridges in the early midgame without too much trouble... now, my ally was no all-star P (and I am quite a poor T), but I think T will have a much easier time here than on something like Luna. Do you think there should be more doodads between the bridges and the nats? What if I tightened up the left and right middle areas outside the nats?
sure why not? :)
interesting map, reminds me of umbra locus
Yay! Finally got a decent rep done. It's a TvP and I think it was pretty balanced... I'm not a stellar T player and my opponent wasn't that great, but it played out pretty well. There's not that much micro/dropping/etc, mostly macro, tank pushing against goons and zeals; toss carriers later in the game, the usual. I really like PvT on this map.
There is a lot of custom art in here... hunks of bridge lying around in the water and custom "rocks" made from chunks of high ground, ramps, etc. Please let me know if you find any errors in this stuff, as its my first time experimenting with it.
The map itself is an idea that I've been wanting to try for a while. I think the mains are a good size and the nats are the right size to allow fast exp strategies to be interesting. The distance between the bases is longer than it looks due to the S shape of the path between the 2 mains.
Is the middle too open for a 1v1 map? The cliffs will already give terrans a head-start if they want to slow-push, so I didn't want to close it off any more. There are a moderate number of doodads there as well.
Stuff to note:
- Mins/gas can't be tanked from outside the main.
- Mins/gas at the nat is out of tanking distance from across the water.
- Cracks added to terrain in the lower left and upper right to prevent any walls from being constructed. However, there are sufficient holes in the cracks to allow turrets to be constructed.
A terran could, if he wanted, wall this passage off near his nat using 3 depots and 1 rax.
- Ramps into mains are wallable with 1 rax and 2 depots. The neck of the lower base is wide enough to prevent the LT 9h-style wall.
- Bridges are shortened a little.
- A row of doodads is placed in the middle below each base's cliff to lessen a terran's ability to blast buildings from outside the other player's base.
- Critters are placed on all the low ground surrounding the mains on squares where tanks can be dropped. Does anyone know of a better way?
- All gas is on the left or top.
added it on gmcs
What is gmcs?
Player 2's entrance choke now 4 pylons tall and 6 pylons wide... the 2 right bases on luna have similar entrances that are only 5 pylons wide. On (2)Nightlight, a map that's been used in WGT and WWI, the right player has an entrance like that which is only 3 pylons wide (MUCH, MUCH narrower). I've never seen it affect gameplay in any major way.
I suppose if you let a terran get tanks in there, you're screwed, but really, if he wanted to contain you, he'd be better off trying to contain you at the more narrow choke below the ramp.
Thanks for the comments, I'll see if I can get some good reps up soon.
modified by SynDrome
TvT, no problem there. TvZ, T can push out and either take the upper-left or lower-right corner, or try to get across the bridges for another gas.
In TvP, P has a bit of a tough time containing because of the cliffs around the ramps. When I tried TvP, I found that T can push out to the bridges in the early midgame without too much trouble... now, my ally was no all-star P (and I am quite a poor T), but I think T will have a much easier time here than on something like Luna. Do you think there should be more doodads between the bridges and the nats? What if I tightened up the left and right middle areas outside the nats?
interesting map, reminds me of umbra locus