Map ID: #1606

Author: KorvspaD
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2006, 09, 09 21:28

Comments (7)
I'll add more some other day.
id say erase the 2nat.. that would open up for less camping. Camping isnt very fun on a 2v2 map. there is alot of cash anyway
2v2 map? Oo
Nice one, but PvZ is imbaaa
u may want to open up the choke entrance to the nats, seems tight.

other than that, nice layout,. gw

cosmi what is the imba?
So many tight chokes... especially red as a zerg and blue as a toss is imba, blue can't defend two in one so easily
I don't like how blue's nat doesn't defend the ramp as well as red's. I like the general layout though, plenty of flanking room in some places and not in others