(2)Relive v1.0
Map ID: #1621

Author: NoPantsRepublic
Map Size: 64*64
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 10, 01 20:07

Comments (11)
64x64 ftw! >:D

This map is very fun to play, because you can pull off many dirty tricks and suprises. This is a complete and utter micro map, with a dab of macro.
Somehow there are just 2 types of 64x64 maps...
islandish with a wall diagonally through the middle and like yours, with walls around the mains and a S-shaped path.

Nicely executed, but as always, once terran gets enough units his tanks own everything.
yea sadly T will ending up this one unless there is cheese or T makes mistakes :/

im sure its uber fun tho :)
Well, you only get so much space to work with, so there really isnt a whole lot of wiggle room in terms of overall design.

And to address T problem, I widened the bridges to nat, although tanks will still pulverize.
nice idea, but there's one problem:

the gas in the lower nat, it semi-blocks units coming frmthe bridge, while the gas at the upper doesnt.
I corrected bridge positions (there was a slight imbalance; not eaxactly mirrored), so now bottom nat's gas is less vulnerable

EDIT: uploaded some reps, me vs my brother. He's not very good, so please forgive him :P
modified by NoPantsRepublic
The tvt is damn good! Who needs more than 12 workers? :p
And uncloaked wraith >> goliath ;)
in 64x64 the lurkerdrop is the best strategy, of course as ferry (slow-over :D)
there is no difference between lurker ferry drop on 64x64 and 128x128. You'll get an overlord to the right spot in time anyways. The best strat is proxy gate with probe support :p
Lol inspired by my map Harrier? =D I like how it is set up.
added ob version for contest