(6)The Distrupter
Map ID: #1672

Author: NastyMarine & Syndrome
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2014, 08, 29 01:51

Comments (41)
7-6-3 mineral distribution

min only nat but fairly close 2nd nat for each base.

There is slight positional imbalances b/c i stayed away from special ramps etc.. so the nat for teal is far and other slight distance issues, nothing that can be easily fixed if at all.

The middle is quite asymmetrical.. I like it alot, idk why.

Psi Distrupter in middle with 2 rines 1 scv 4 turrets ^^

what do ya think?
I think that picture is the gayest thing ever

this is a little better =/
modified by Nightmarjoo
ok wtf is with so much snow. This is the plainest map I've ever seen you make. Not sure but some expos look farther from their nat than others. Brown and oj have the biggest mains by far... Most of the map is empty space, how is t sposed to play...
Although Nightmarjoo is being rude, I have to agree with his observations. The mains defenitely vary in size, with purp's being the smallest. Brown, Red, and Blue's gas nat cannot be sniped from the opponent's main, while the others can. It is also very easy for brown to capture 2 gas nats. I'm sorry, but you can't pull off another templar castes, where the slight imbalances were ignorable; the imbalances are to great this time.
none of the gases are tankable.. expcept oj's from it's main choke area. so slight imba.. nothing terrible.

purple's main is not the smallest, it just looks that way.. the smallest main is blues, but by alittle. its almost exactly the same as red's and brown's.

I already mentioned that there are slight distance problems b/c of the amount of players etc.

the map isnt empty by any means
I don't think so aiurz. the map has few minerals in each expo which means z needs fewer drones for optimal mining, which allows it to make more units. The map is pretty open, and there are four starting locations in which to hide in. Blue's nat cliff has much more room than the others, which allows for more building room and/or dropping room to atk the drop. I don't like the mains' decoration. Yay it's nice and stylized, but the snow is painful to have so much of.

And what the FUCK is with teal and purple's nats being so far from the ramp. I looked in StarEdit and teal's nat is more than 10 siege tanks farther than blue's nat is from the main.

The players are not user selectable, that's just lazy ><

The distances from nat to mineral only are also not equal.

You're right, it's not as open as I first said. idk wtf I was thinking there, but it is by no means tight; anywhere. Which is of course bad for t again.
king of 8 plr maps
This is all wrong, I dont have time right now to explain too many mistakes. Good try though.

At least you guys see the problems I useto face in my young map making days when I started making maps for 6 players back in 2000, then I had to learn all over again when I made leap to 8 player maps. Practice makes perfect sofar map has its hind legs, just now you need to make it fly.

Secret is re-arange then re-arage, then mesure, then re-arange then measure again, I know its sounds dumb and not necessary but thats how you make the puzzle fit if your not use to making these maps.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
Just move teals ramp a little closer to the nat. Look at GMCS.
this is the one time i would not object to retarded ramps. it is just needed.
Btw you can also make the nat closer to the ramp. It's not nessery to be horizontal you can make it in an angle and you will still have room for a high ground.

Overall i think you can make the nat whit the classic ramp whit a little more work.
King8, i dont think u understand alot about maps; Your maps arent as in-depth as mine are and nor do u make complex layouts. and dont talk like u are a very accomplished mapper ok? u also didnt offer any good criticism towards my problems on the map. im sorry for being bm to u, but i have not seen any of ur maps that have been on the level to talk about "my young map making days". If u think saying that kinda stuff will get u respect and get us to listen to u, thats just stupid.. i garuntee u couldnt make that map over without those position imbalances so please do not remind me of my positional imbas that i already mentioned... next time fora comment, leave helpful information that i can use, and not stuff like "At least you guys see the problems I useto face in my young map making days when I started making maps for 6 players back in 2000, then I had to learn all over again when I made leap to 8 player maps. Practice makes perfect sofar map has its hind legs, just now you need to make it fly."

@LGi: i would have made the ramp closer at teals nat, but then the the nats choke would be too tight, i'd rather have farther nat distance than tighter entrance.
lol? this map has no depth at all and is certainly not complex.
king of 8 plr maps
you got enough people here helping you, they are on right direction, you maps aint deep, every maps shame shit, no-one is above anyone, A shitting crappy mapper if he works hard enough can make good maps too.

I Aint special and you Aint special too marine, What u think you being on Map of the Week makes you deep map maker, I can make a 2 player map easy too there alot of sample maps here to copy ideas from. I didnt have sample ideas for my 8 player maps, So im farther ahead then you in overall skill and experience, not saying im better then you.

I also got some more to learn. I stopped making maps for this old bucket I want to design for 3d terrain in Supreme Commander for my TA clan, Starcraft holding me back in design & ideas i want in a map.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
king of 8 plr maps
The map ideas is LT, thats as deep as it gets. theres too many of these already with 6 players around. Balance is boring a 6 player map needs excitement, and balanced at same time. Theres nothing new here. But at least if you work at it you can make a good map of this.

I say over and over people only map a 6 or 8 player map its eather a hunters clone or a LT clone, I avoid those like the plage, And the guy who says make all you maps same as LT way resources as much as possible, needs to be shot. How boring will it be if all my maps where LT rippoffs with resources like that, I would throw up everytime i had to make a new map that way.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
"So im farther ahead then you in overall skill and experience, not saying im better then you."

Not that this would make any sense...

Truly, this map is no great shot. It's LT for 6 without islands (makes quite a big difference, though).
king of 8 plr maps
Marine or Syndrome just look over my white dwarf map ok.

Ive tactle these problems before and all you do is look at my body of maps for many 6-8 player maps broblems for solutions.
If you want me to fix this map up i can do it very fast for you, but I rather see you do it yourself. You guys are not new to making maps.

You wont learn anything if I just say build that over here then you can go head now fix that, put ramp over there, move this base more to right.

modified by king of 8 plr maps

not Distrupter

unless you meant to do that of course
King8 ur map White Dwarf has worse positional imbas than this map or TC.. It has 2 islands in the middle are favored by the 9 and 3 positons .. then ur missing 2 island expos around the base of the map (the locations are 12 and 6; the areas that are missiing). also all the chokes/ramps to the mains are all imbalance, and certainly more than this one or TC..

im very sorry for all this bm but i cant take how ur callin ur own maps great b/c u think that u have solved the issues u are talking about but reallistically havent...
king of 8 plr maps
Your not looking at white dwarf for a solution your just judging it I know white dawrf not perfect I just dont wanna go back and fix it. White dwarfs Naturals are good enough, and has the answer. Just look at ramps and where the bases are and see the naturals.

Or better yet look at event horizon its more polished, there you also got alot answers to what you have to do with your bases.

White dwarf is playable all naturals 90% good. Distrupter is almost unplayable. Theres huge problems here, Start with purple and teal, when you fix those 2 you will open a can of worms because fixing those will throw off the rest of your idea, and you maybe have to adjusting other 4 bases.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
a zerg is pretty much forced to open with lurker, so the terran has a lot of options and thus gains a huge advantage
No difference to Nosta in this aspect... But with the wider chokes, it should be better for zerg.

Anyways, consider mostly 2n2 and 3n3 on this map, 1n1 is unlikely...
modified by spinesheath
"No difference to Nosta in this aspect... But with the wider chokes, it should be better for zerg."

nostalgia has a second exit from their natural which allows them to keep the terran guessing and lets the zerg have some flexibility, which is one of the reasons zerg has a chance on that map.
Well, but you certainly have more chances to harm the terrans expansion on this map.
The second entrance is easily scouted as well, so if you put up a contain, place an SCV on the second entrance, so the advantage zerg gains from this is not THAT big.
its monumental and integral to zergs standing a chance on the map. otherwise the terran can just contain hard on the bridges without fear of the zerg.

without it, zerg is put at a very serious disadvantage.
NastyMarine, you have some good concepts here, but it really needs some reworking. Instead of defending your map and commenting on the inadequecy of others, improve this one first. You will probably want to use inverted ramps, as a 128x128 6 player map is quite the challenge, but I am confident you can pull it off.

However, I am dissapointed. If expect better from you :/

"none of the gases are tankable.. expcept oj's from it's main choke area. so slight imba.. nothing terrible."

If you are just going to ignore imbalances, then I guess this isn't competition material.
1) this map is a 2s/3s map.. and regular strats from 1v1 are used in team play like this.. so i dont understand the problem about the nat.

2)"White dwarf is playable all naturals 90% good. Distrupter is almost unplayable. Theres huge problems here, Start with purple and teal, when you fix those 2 you will open a can of worms because fixing those will throw off the rest of your idea, and you maybe have to adjusting other 4 bases."

Im sorry but ur Event Horizon has modified maps, somehting i stayed totally away from this map and TC.. so i dont think pointing towards that map is better.. ur retarded if u say that helps my map .. when i dont have modified ramps in mine..

White Dwarf has huge positional imbas when compared to both my maps.. it doesnt solve any problems.. and u certainly cant judge my maps playability by just looking at the nat.. which is what ur saying imba along with small things that dont even effect gameplay..

Play the damn map. it plays well, and the positional imbas in this map (which are small) are not even a factor ingame.. play it and ull seee what im saying.

""none of the gases are tankable.. expcept oj's from it's main choke area. so slight imba.. nothing terrible."

If you are just going to ignore imbalances, then I guess this isn't competition material."

the only way to fix that is to have inverted ramps, which i am not going to use.. i cannot fix that imba without them and since i am staying away from inverts, i cannot fix it.. it is a small imbalance which wont effect games.. if they do, Im positively sure it wont hurt matches as much as u suggest.
if you're going to ignore an easy to fix imbalance then let's make DF MOTW. I prefer SE too, I rarely use anything else. But sometimes using an inverted ramp really helps.

teal and purple are really far from their nats. That's a serious imbalance. So it might not make a difference early game, if they drop your main and you're at your nat you have farther to run, which could be the difference from surviving and being obliterated.
king of 8 plr maps
You dont need to invert any ramps, bow down to the king and he shall fix. "Joke"

No seriously you dont need to invert any I wont use any of my maps as example, because you just criticize them and not look for a solution there, So if you want ill help you if you want.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
king of 8 plr maps
Youv'e been pimped

I wont keep you in mistery anymore

Here you go Nice and fixed up, I did hardest part for you.
but there still some mistakes to iron off

Wasnt that hard to do, I have updated version if you want to give me credit ill upload it.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
This is what i was talking about in my previews posts.

StarEdit forever :D
king of 8 plr maps
Mistakes was too obvious to ignore, I was tempted by evil side to fix this.
Now what if I still see several imbalances? Check out the 2nd expands for example...
Was this from before? From the orignal version?! BLAHAHAHA! OMFG! O_O ZOMG!
hmm seems as if ;)
king of 8 plr maps
I did this in 5 min to give example it could be done without inverting any ramps. Marine didnt think it could be done.

I run into these same situation on almost all my maps i do with 6-8 players so its something ive been threw over and over.

Mapper out there should move on to 6 player maps there so much to learn making 8 player maps and so on.

Theres already 1,000,000,000 2,4 player maps but only very vew 6-8player maps.

modified by king of 8 plr maps
Well you are the KING allright :)
good fix up, but now the nat cliffs are imbalanced.. the minerals for teal and oj arent along the cliff, making lurk dropping etc ineffective as teh other positions.. thats why i didnt make those corrections. Tho both are problems, i dont think this one is bad at all.. gw there.
king of 8 plr maps
Well nasty I just did quick job if you want me to put all my king touches i will have to spend hour or so on it. We can team up for this if you want, after im done i can send you the updated one i finished and you do little touches you like on it.
Map reminds me of winter conquest without the horrible narrow middle/middle base.