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(2)Paradise Lost
Map ID: #1711
Author: 5pool
Map Size: 128*64
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 10, 21 12:11
Comments (54)
oldest version i have.
lets start over shall we.
what needs changing, how, and why? detailed pls. modified by 5pool
hm, lost some sex appeal, but better gameplaywise. excellent pos. balancing. i am in love. MOTW please!
(just a quick question, how to fix that sex appeal again? )
you cant "fix" it... it's just if you see a map and you wanna play it and like it
true true, but there are certain elements that compell you to those thoughts ;)
just have to find out which ones x_x
graet motw go before another noob map wins
Nice improvements, but smaller nats = :( for T and P
theyre not smaller o0
omgomgomg i made a mistake "nooooooooooos" >< ><
fixed some stuff, including that (thanks npr)
this map looks fun, i like the idea of having 3 entrances to your nat. can tanks shoot drones from the island?
dont think they can, and even if they can, they'll hit only 1 or 2 drones.
... yes, they probably can... I think this should not be the case, especially since you wouldn't expect it. But another change before the tourney probably is no good either ;)
the right island can tank the nat, while the left cannot.
ahh i see npr, thanks :) wll be done soon
(cant understand why people chose azure over this x_x )
RIP, because the version before was better. i TOLD you not to change too much. too tight now
open up the middle again. and tanks being able to hit "only 1-2 drones" IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM. as soon as you have 12+ probes, many will immediately slide to this mineralblock. you wont be able to mine anymore (unless you only use 10 or less probes), because there'll be everytime workers going for the attackable minblock.
a yes, i see your point flo. thanks for the explination :).
ill fix the center again, and try to see what i can do about the min line tanking. IMO this shouldnt be a problem, sinds on many maps the entire min line in the nat is tankable.
can someone also pls explain me what was buggy about the melee version when used in UMS? ill fix that too at the same time. thanks :D
in the meantime ill also try to see if i can enlargen those mains even further :) (thanks panschk, ill look into it :) )
modified by 5pool
I think nat is smaller.
I prefered the older one's jungle ramp approach to those expos.
@islands being gay for tanks: umm idk add a bunch of mineral blocks or geysers to cover the space.
@middle looks ok, a balance of open and tight is always good.
i wanna remove the middle closed part (the dirt holes in the pure center) but keep the rest.
the nats are actually bigger then the old version, trust me. they were inequal at first, yes, but not bigger.
what do you mean the jungle ramp approach nightmare? to the center exps, or all the exps?
ill also update the island, try to reduce space there to enlargen the mains, i got an idea for that, ill do it tomorrow :)
thanks for the feedback :D
the N/S expos
ok i thought so. but the ramp placement is better this way? more to the center instead of at the edge of the map?
yeah but I liked it better the other way =/
but my game on the map was too short too tell anything =/
hehe, if you have time tomorrow, we'll play it a little. after that, we'll see :D
I didn't pay much attention to this at first, 5pool, but I think I've realized that it could be pretty fun. It's not boring, but it's not too overcomplicated. I'll try it, and post reps if I have any good games.
Still really like this map, but you'll have to fix these problems b4 it becomes great:
-balance the islands
-shrink or get rid of that hole in the center
lol nopants you didn't read the above last couple at all
hehe, thanks boongee.
try to wait with testing untill i updated it again :) should be much better then
larger, larger, larger!!! It plays nicely, but imo it is too cramped... I would like to have more space @ natural (maybe reduce main again ;) ), and wider ramps to the middle...
Added my 3 games from out tourney. The ones against Nasty are the nicer ones imo, especially the one where I am zerg.
In the game vs Panschk I tried the same strat that led me to victory against Nasty, but I messed it up completely ;) modified by spinesheath
hehe, im working on it spines, both mains n nats will be bigger. ill see what i can do bout the ramps. thanks for the reps :D
Now that's quite some change :)
Looks good, the only thing I don't like that much is the raised jungle. Dunno, just don't like it.
hm, ye i was still doubting bout it.
it still needs some pimping, but ah well
remade again
looking for testers
wow, good solution with the expo.. i think you should split the middle with smthg
now it has finally lost its flair.
i told you not to change to much, now there's hardly anything left modified by flothefreak
looks really dumb to be honest, what is with those gas expos? you can hardly fit a zealot in there TT
I liked the last one better.
so the lowground exps back...
what about the islands? i removed them to fix minonlys and correct some errors in tankage from islands
made two other versions, with some ideas i had:
whadda you think of um?
personally i like the one with the split middle most
I like the current version better. And the split middle makes flanking almost impossible...
i like the one better which was before the last 3-4 versions -.-
the second image is the best of this three imo
oldest version i have.
lets start over shall we.
what needs changing, how, and why? detailed pls.
T= contain you in your nat area with tanks & turrets, take the whole map tech to something funny to pwn you with gg
Z= contain you in your nat with lurkers then take the whole map gg
P= fast zeals gg plain & simple modified by tktkvroom
wait, tktkvroom, so this map favors... everyone? Interesting.
Anyway,5pool I like the current version the best. Don't start over; I think this is a good map
Nope, boongee. The Xel'Naga are terribly disfavored: Not a single stasis cell to breed some hybrid :p
yea i have a feeling Grig is uses Xel'naga, he always masses statis cells.
in the oldest version, z has to 3hatch, but not a big deal.
The mass jungle in the middle is ugly.
The islands can be used to harass the nat very easily, but units can't shoot back.
Mains are fairly small. You could build a lot, but it would be tight.
the one I liked most was the particular one BEFORE you closed down the middle with 2-3 holes. from the time you had inserted these holes, it didnt get better imo. the current version is playable and stuff, but just normal, not as stylish as the version I am referring to in this post
oldest version i have.
lets start over shall we.
what needs changing, how, and why? detailed pls.
modified by 5pool
(just a quick question, how to fix that sex appeal again? )
just have to find out which ones x_x
Nice improvements, but smaller nats = :( for T and P
the right island can tank the nat, while the left cannot.
(cant understand why people chose azure over this x_x )
open up the middle again. and tanks being able to hit "only 1-2 drones" IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM. as soon as you have 12+ probes, many will immediately slide to this mineralblock. you wont be able to mine anymore (unless you only use 10 or less probes), because there'll be everytime workers going for the attackable minblock.
ill fix the center again, and try to see what i can do about the min line tanking. IMO this shouldnt be a problem, sinds on many maps the entire min line in the nat is tankable.
can someone also pls explain me what was buggy about the melee version when used in UMS? ill fix that too at the same time. thanks :D
in the meantime ill also try to see if i can enlargen those mains even further :) (thanks panschk, ill look into it :) )
modified by 5pool
I prefered the older one's jungle ramp approach to those expos.
@islands being gay for tanks: umm idk add a bunch of mineral blocks or geysers to cover the space.
@middle looks ok, a balance of open and tight is always good.
the nats are actually bigger then the old version, trust me. they were inequal at first, yes, but not bigger.
what do you mean the jungle ramp approach nightmare? to the center exps, or all the exps?
ill also update the island, try to reduce space there to enlargen the mains, i got an idea for that, ill do it tomorrow :)
thanks for the feedback :D
but my game on the map was too short too tell anything =/
-balance the islands
-shrink or get rid of that hole in the center
try to wait with testing untill i updated it again :) should be much better then
Added my 3 games from out tourney. The ones against Nasty are the nicer ones imo, especially the one where I am zerg.
In the game vs Panschk I tried the same strat that led me to victory against Nasty, but I messed it up completely ;)
modified by spinesheath
Looks good, the only thing I don't like that much is the raised jungle. Dunno, just don't like it.
it still needs some pimping, but ah well
looking for testers
i told you not to change to much, now there's hardly anything left
modified by flothefreak
what about the islands? i removed them to fix minonlys and correct some errors in tankage from islands
whadda you think of um?
oldest version i have.
lets start over shall we.
what needs changing, how, and why? detailed pls.
T= contain you in your nat area with tanks & turrets, take the whole map tech to something funny to pwn you with gg
Z= contain you in your nat with lurkers then take the whole map gg
P= fast zeals gg plain & simple
modified by tktkvroom
Anyway,5pool I like the current version the best. Don't start over; I think this is a good map
The mass jungle in the middle is ugly.
The islands can be used to harass the nat very easily, but units can't shoot back.
Mains are fairly small. You could build a lot, but it would be tight.