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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1729
Author: GRC-DeathLink
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2006, 10, 09 14:35
Comments (12)
I haven't been making maps for a long time now, last map I made was Nazca and that was way back. Now I did a remake of an older map I had.
The nat expo (which is min only) can be taken easily by Zerg for fe, but because the distances are very long between the main bases, Zerg players could also prefer to go fe to the gas expansion.
Comments and suggestions on the map would be appreciated alot. Thanks :D
pathing is ok? it seems it leads through the disruptors in horizontal positions. yea you need unit control then, but thats just annoying
yeah pathing will be screwed. other than that, it is a great map! cool flow of originality, a certain scheme and awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i love it. too bad the whole thing doesnt work out :(
but keep on mapping, there is much potential for VERY good maps.
Yea, I forgot to mention that I can't load starcraft on my computer cause my pc sux :(
So I can't test the map. If someone could please tell me how the pathfinding works out on the map please post here. Thanks :D
well the pathing for this map should be self explanatory. top vs top/bottom vs bottom positions will go thru the high platform (which should be secondary routes) to get to another base. theres nothing wrong with the diagnal pathing and vertical pathing.
the only thing u could do is find a way to move the main bridge choke more towards the middle so it can lead units to the middle of the map. Other than that there is nothing u can do.
actually a cool idea would be to move the wide ramps position to where the min lines are and move the mineral line to whree the ramps used to be... if u dont understand ill post gmcs.
although moving the ramps and minerals will cause u to get rid of the min only, i think it will help the map. Possibly put min onlies on the high platforms at 6 and 12?
good remake of the previous version. modified by NastyMarine
Well I'm also thinking of putting the entrance to the main where the thin walls are next to the gas expo and closing the existing bridge off. Plus move the gas to the corner expo. Dunno.
Ok, I was thinking something like this. The main chokes are closer to the center so unit pathfinding might be ok now. But I'm still not sure.
Some comments on this please.
modified by GRC-DeathLink
i think where ever they (the units) are issued the command while inside the main or nat, will be the outcome of where the pathing is constructed at this point. It'll hafta be tested. I may get to it.. unless some1 else wants to give it a go? lol
Well if someone could test it a bit i'd appreciate it alot, since I cant load starcraft on my comp. All I can do is edit maps :P stupid pc :)
just dont do that with the map which is on the new pic. the minonly+second natural idea is much better than the first gas exp. maybe you should make a "maze" on the cliff. maybe the route will be longer and the workers wont use it.
do you allow me to make a version with maze? just for show you my idea
the new versions pathing _should_ be okey. if it is, it is a good balancing between pathing and originality. the first version was - besides pathing - much cooler, but the redone version is still cool and has decent pathing (i guess)
Yeah nOia feel free to edit it if you want. Upload an image so I can see what you mean exactly :)
I tested this new version on another computer, and the pathing works fine. I also removed the gas from the nat expos and put it at the corner expos behind the disrupters.
The nat expo (which is min only) can be taken easily by Zerg for fe, but because the distances are very long between the main bases, Zerg players could also prefer to go fe to the gas expansion.
Comments and suggestions on the map would be appreciated alot. Thanks :D
but keep on mapping, there is much potential for VERY good maps.
So I can't test the map. If someone could please tell me how the pathfinding works out on the map please post here. Thanks :D
the only thing u could do is find a way to move the main bridge choke more towards the middle so it can lead units to the middle of the map. Other than that there is nothing u can do.
actually a cool idea would be to move the wide ramps position to where the min lines are and move the mineral line to whree the ramps used to be... if u dont understand ill post gmcs.
although moving the ramps and minerals will cause u to get rid of the min only, i think it will help the map. Possibly put min onlies on the high platforms at 6 and 12?
good remake of the previous version.
modified by NastyMarine
Ok, I was thinking something like this. The main chokes are closer to the center so unit pathfinding might be ok now. But I'm still not sure.
Some comments on this please.
modified by GRC-DeathLink
do you allow me to make a version with maze? just for show you my idea
I tested this new version on another computer, and the pathing works fine. I also removed the gas from the nat expos and put it at the corner expos behind the disrupters.
modified by GRC-DeathLink