(2)Psyklon Aeon
Map ID: #1770

Author: UrzaTron
Map Size: 128*64
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 10, 24 04:23

Comments (14)
My newest map. Tell me what you think, and how to improve it.
i think this map would benefit from not using bridges, and just use a big land piece to go to the middle, or widened bridges if you know how. also take out the double gas in the middle, for terran will camp.

like the gaema style you got going on
it's a big improvement.

the bridges are too tight. work on that

- Added widebridge. This is my first attempt at custom anything, so I hope it looks okay...
that works extremely well. this is your best map by far, and it actually looks like it would be fun to play.
looks nice, but it's really tight.
If you could move the main choke a bit more towards the middle, it's best not to have chokes right on the edge of the map. I'd remove the basilica from the middle to open it up a bit, but other than that it looks nice. GJ.
I don't see a reason that player will use the bottom bridges. You better add an expo there or something usefull that will attract players to go there.
players will go on bottom ramp Zvt i think. you will want to flank him if he tries to secure middle
But then it's very tight and easy to hold, a wider path would be nice there...

Btw, don't the 2 geysirs in the middle block unit movement? They look badly placed imo.
:( I need help. I made a bunch of changes, but the image-making programs aren't working now. When I right-click the map and select "make jpeg", it starts working, but at about 3/4 it stops and gives me an error message. I looked at the image it had created and it is about 2/3 done, but the bottom is unfinished, and some of the new minerals I added aren't there in the upper area. :( Any ideas what is going on???

(btw, it works fine for my other maps, just not this one. also, I tried both scmjpegs on this site)
modified by UrzaTron
Nvm, I opened it in Staredit and resaved, and it worked. (I had made the changes in scmdraft2, I didn't realize you could open a custom bridge in staredit) Problem solved :)


- Added expo to give bottom bridges a purpose
- Rearranged mins+gas in mid expo to not get in way
- Changed to just one geyser in mid
- Removed basillica in middle to open up
- Moved choke towards the middle

EDIT: Update/fix:

- Fixed choke imbalance
modified by UrzaTron
Srry to bump, but can I get comments on the update?
Narrow choke next to the walls around the main can be easily abused by tank + floating building and very hard to get rid of due to small choke.