Map ID: #1820

Author: LostTampon
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2006, 12, 27 01:14

Comments (27)
Seems well made, can't see any initial problems. I might shrink those two raised jungle patches in the middle, or eliminate them entirely. But I'd wait and see what others think about that. Good job.
well it has been a long time since i saw the similar-designed map. but there are some things that i dont like:

- minonly placement, the recent is just on the way to the enemy so it will occur pathing problems thats sure. might be stucky for units. i imagine it is very annoying when terran hides his forces there
- so tight chokes from nat
- big distance difference between horizontal and vertical positions

but even there are issues i like it, i imagine great tricking with armies... oh nice :D
Interesting, I like it a lot, but those mineral onlys are unplayable (unuseable). Pathing issues with them, too tight, too vulnerable (for zerg impossible to defend with static d). Essentially Antares is right.
okay, edited now a bit:

- Rotated minonly expansions so that they dont affect unit pathing that much
- Opened map a bit


- Remade side expos
modified by LostTampon
i like how you are ready change it, but i think this wont work now. pathing issue will always be a problem. well now its not in the main path, but likely split the units. well its just an annoying problem that could weaken the gameplay's flow. the imbalance is when you settle there with tanks, lurks and start a deadly strong containing there.

might be i am too scared of this, and yeah i always say the worst scenarios, but i feel that is just not good.
modified by Antares
Well, it has to be playtested :)


well, made now another approach by moving the minonly expansions
modified by LostTampon
oh i just love the solution :) made the map even better. cant wait to play some game here. a pity that im too noob for competitive gameplay :P
looks great now
- layout changes again
i dont get it, whats the update since i commented above?
removed/added some doodads and changed the terrain a bit
gogo replay gadget
small edit:

- Decreased size of temple in front of nats (though its not too easy to defend with tanks there)
- Moved some mineral blocks for better mining
Uploaded two replays. Don't watcht the zvp I played too badly in it!

Very nice map. Plays very well, and I didn't see anything which concerned me at all.

I think I might have used a slightly outdated version.

This map really is nice, one of my favourites on bwm (too bad I can't play them all though). motw 48!
woah thx for reps, watching them now =)
The map looks great. Its standard feel makes it really comfortable though it really isnt that standard. it also has alot of good tactical points around the map. gj.
Distances are so diffrent. Top vs top - TOO CLOSE. Bottom vs Bottom - TOO CLOSE. Top left vs bottom left - Normal. But cross vs cross whit such center is more then the normal long cross distance. Imo the too close distances and this long cross distance are not ok for a map...

Also did you fill whit something all those drop holes in the rised jungle walls? If not, whit a single test i can show you how many tanks can fit there...
now as i look at it again i discovered that nice entrance to 3 and 9 :)
so whats the problem with the different distances? there are maps with even closer distances (e.g. [reverse] lost temple) or with longer distances (martian cross); different distances require different strategies, and i think that the players are smart enough to adapt to the situation

ah, the holes are not closed yet, thanks :)
It's called - positional imbalanced...
i prefer the term positional challenge
get rid of inbase island, and cliff on nats and there will be no more positional imbalance.
lnept may be right, but i do like it... although the 11 oclock base needs to have a better shaped.. and possibly turned into min only islands if u are to keep it.
modified by NastyMarine
how does that fix pos imba? And I like the cliffs and island.
i do too but i think it should be a min only.. then again lnept's feelings wouldnt be terrible either, tho it will end up just another standard map. so keep the islands but make them min only so there isnt an overload of gas. or at least limit the amount of gas that are on the islands.
well it was just sarcasm.

but that in the positional balance in it. for example, if you spawn top left and opponent gets top right, you can easily drop his nat while he has to go all the way around.

if anything, at least get rid of those inbase islands. they are just wtf bbq the mains are already not enormous then yuo want to invite terran to drop yuor expo and kill half your base?
ok, updated map:

- Smallered Isles (minerals/gas now 700/2000)
- nat cliffs replaced with undroppable water
- moved center expos a bit
- tightened chokes and moved them closer to nats

next update:

- redid nat cliffs again
- moved minerals for better mining
- altered mid cliff


- added obz
modified by LostTampon