How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
An elegant way of dealing with cliff asymmetry
Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1888
Author: LostTampon
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2007, 03, 07 01:43
Comments (25)
very original layout. I like this a lot. I dunno about the balance, though
Very unique, I like it, however although red to purple is fine and teal to blue is fine, it looks very tight for say red to teal or purple to blue; I suggest opening the very middle.
ok, opened now middle
next update
- widened mains -> merged center exops into one
- used now darker terrain to prevent eye-damage :p
- added cliffs to nats modified by LostTampon
Booooo, nice map :)
Very nice map, but balance issues are probable in close positions. Looks like terran would have the advantage with short pushing distances over the high ground, and can attack the expo from up there as well.
hm, yeah you are right, but on the other hand p is not forced to take this expo. also, i think there is enough room to flank terran there (yeah mayb im wrong, but its a matter of intense maptesting :) )
Well its looks kind of hard to flank him once he gets up there, but maybe not. Testing should sort it out.
Maybe if you put ramp all around the high ground? Might ruin the concept though?
hmm, ye, that might work, but then i have to tighten the mid a bit, will do it later :)
had now some time do to a bit...
- opened middle
- replaced some doodies
merry xmas btw :p modified by LostTampon
happy hannukah -.-
er just noticed gas issue...
I think the middle is fine now, replay time ;)
i think by makin those ramps wider, u give protoss too much freedom to flank T. thats the same for Z>P as well imo. very good tho in general.. i wanna play it
tightened now middle slightly
thx for replay :)
- fixed gas issue
I just didn't had time for more, but i will test it some more :) . For now no issues found.
I think it was at 5/4 o'clock main where you must move the gas one tile up, because the path finding of my drones was really bad and i need it four drones for gas...
oh, i already updated the gas in then mains... (unluckily you played with old version of the map)
thx for replays :)
after some suggestions, i added some dwebs and swarms - terrans will have it now more difficult to defend the minonly cliffs modified by LostTampon
I'm really digging this map right now. I think I might play it later
msg me TiQ.MoaF. @europe if you want to test some maps :)
how do wall-ins work on those inverted ramps?
oh, checked it out - is really difficult... :P
okay fixed it, now it should be possible to wallin
from left to upper right: rax depot depot modified by LostTampon
Hey, the dwebs and the swarm are not in the map in the replays, what happened? Did these games get played before the addition of the dwebs? modified by Lancet
possibly.. LostTampon added the spells to this map only recently.
final edit
- added mineral patches at main and minonly expos
I like it :)
look at the replay to see why he made that final edit :PP
next update
- widened mains -> merged center exops into one
- used now darker terrain to prevent eye-damage :p
- added cliffs to nats
modified by LostTampon
Maybe if you put ramp all around the high ground? Might ruin the concept though?
had now some time do to a bit...
- opened middle
- replaced some doodies
merry xmas btw :p
modified by LostTampon
I think the middle is fine now, replay time ;)
- fixed gas issue
thx for replays :)
after some suggestions, i added some dwebs and swarms - terrans will have it now more difficult to defend the minonly cliffs
modified by LostTampon
okay fixed it, now it should be possible to wallin
from left to upper right: rax depot depot
modified by LostTampon
modified by Lancet
- added mineral patches at main and minonly expos