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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #1890
Author: Salazar Slytherin
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2008, 06, 05 10:38
Comments (22)
very nice map
my thoughts:
the middle is not so attractive for terran, if he has a large army it easy for him to steamroll on the sideways over protoss with few flanking possibilities; and i think its easy for terran to set up a static defense on the expos
but well, mayb im wrong...
nonetheless, very well made =)
I just want to say that i want it to make a map like this from such a long time, but every time i don't do it couse of the cross position path finding...
Also this map will need more gas for 2v2 games. I've play so much maps 2v2 (you can also see the many 2v2 replays i make) and most of the time the gas is a big truble when they are only two per player. You might wanna make two gas expands in center.
Anyway i won't play it 1v1, only couse of the cross path finding.
This reminds me of Martian Cross (Chow Chow) somehow... Except that the naturals are less safe on Martian Cross, it's richer, and the minonlies are safer expansions with gas...
Still, I guess the gameplay would be quite similar.
yea...a more balanced version of martian cross. i like it a lot, especially for 2v2.
i wouldnt really touch anything, i like the low mineral count because the side paths are very tight and too much gas could get turtly very quickly
eh this is nothing like martian crossing...
I like this map, I think it works pretty well, and it's decorated nicely.
Not from the looks maybe, nightmarjoo, but certainly from the style it is played (except for that vulnerable natural which led to a lot of cheese in early game, of course)
Here two replays, the first one is nice :)
Good reps LGI. It's pvt I'm concerned about though; I'd try testing it but my p and t are not up to par :)
I think it plays well. Let's just wait for some PvT games and if it's also good, it's a MotW worthy.
P and Z is ok.
I would open those bridges a bit..
You might make the chokes a little more tight. It's enough hard for everyone that if you go FE, players can be attacked from both sides, so a tight choke would be better, imo... Not much just 1-2 tiles... depends...
Map is impossible pvt. Terran will never use the middle, the only flank room in the whole map. Unless p can win before t gets tanks it's over.
I also recomend larger bridges.
The mains are also pretty small; this map is about as anti p as it gets. For this map to win motw good changes would be necessary to make it playable for pvt. The problem is that there is no need to enter the middle except to flank, and terran doesn't do too much flanking tvp =/
something is wrong with the posted rep, whoever added it plz readd
"Uploaded by Salazar Slytherin"
Can't you write any comments?
C'mon salazar make a gosu edit :) modified by Nightmarjoo
I hate how the expansion is more open to different sides.
Something tells me that our suggestions aren't going to be taken into consideration by this maker... But I will say that this map has a brilliantly simple, yet involved concept that I would never be able to pull off so flawlessly... good job. (And yes, I would love to see those extra expansions with a gas)
blasphemy, arden can do anything
You can drop tanks right next to the NE & SE expos in such a way they can't be reached by landby melee units (see GMCS). That is not the case with SW and NW expos.
This map sucks for tvz. tvz is easier on fucking blue storm than on this map lol.
Small mains make macro impossible after 7 minutes lol.
Bridges make it impossible to safely get from point 'A' to point 'B'.
Long distances make it impossible to move an army without giving z 3090945 scouting and flanking opportunities.
Also it's hard to defend nat line from muta.
ok... i have a new map a melee,and a observer file a picture ... but the picture is 1.85MB how can i get it smaller
Resize the picture in a program like Paint, The Gimp, IrfanView (...) to 768x768 and save as .jpeg (if you can set the quality, somewhere from 85% to 95%).
my thoughts:
the middle is not so attractive for terran, if he has a large army it easy for him to steamroll on the sideways over protoss with few flanking possibilities; and i think its easy for terran to set up a static defense on the expos
but well, mayb im wrong...
nonetheless, very well made =)
Also this map will need more gas for 2v2 games. I've play so much maps 2v2 (you can also see the many 2v2 replays i make) and most of the time the gas is a big truble when they are only two per player. You might wanna make two gas expands in center.
Anyway i won't play it 1v1, only couse of the cross path finding.
Still, I guess the gameplay would be quite similar.
i wouldnt really touch anything, i like the low mineral count because the side paths are very tight and too much gas could get turtly very quickly
I like this map, I think it works pretty well, and it's decorated nicely.
P and Z is ok.
I also recomend larger bridges.
The mains are also pretty small; this map is about as anti p as it gets. For this map to win motw good changes would be necessary to make it playable for pvt. The problem is that there is no need to enter the middle except to flank, and terran doesn't do too much flanking tvp =/
Can't you write any comments?
modified by Nightmarjoo
Small mains make macro impossible after 7 minutes lol.
Bridges make it impossible to safely get from point 'A' to point 'B'.
Long distances make it impossible to move an army without giving z 3090945 scouting and flanking opportunities.
Also it's hard to defend nat line from muta.