(2)Echo Ridge
Map ID: #1916

Author: TkTkVroom
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 01, 12 05:01

Comments (24)
I am really, really sick when i see people continue to make first natural expands able to attack whit siges/lurks/High Templars from the center. Not to mantion that you don't even need obz/ove/scan to see on the other side... Yeah dude, it's really nice when a high templar storms your drones from the center at your nat. Like his shuttles whit 2 high templars and two darks in is not enough for me...
I like this map. It has something from Longinus and Blitz. The Doodads are well placed and they looks nice.

interesting middle,perhaps here and there cramped
well i cant see much of it cuz i have a huge fucking glare on my screen but the layout looks awesome! ill comment more later
I thought the mains were too big and the nats too far away.

You could fix both my issue and LGI's issue by moving the nat closer to the main, and make the area behind the nat a real cliff or just a mess of shit to prevent tanks/hts. I prefer cliffs =/

Hmm also I don't like how close the nat is to that cliff, t could set up a nice artillery there and make leaving your nat a pain =/ In out tvz game I had issues with the units running into your lurk attack range when your lurks were camping there; and I knew they were there and was trying to avoid them, imagine how much it would suck if you don't even expect the fire to rain down =/

I thought the main having 8 and nat 7 blocks was too little, if the nat has 7 I'd rather the main had 9.
Also it's a little odd that all the expos with gas have more minerals than the mineral only expos, that's just kinda stupid tk.
some less expos would do just fine. cool style on the map, I like that. I wont do any useful comments anymore, I am no decent player anymore, plus LGI is our master brain here :D
he doesnt look like such a master when he plays though, i assure you :p
mains could be smaller t.t
inept rofl yea ^.-

I think its a great idea, but badly executed. too much custom bullshit and no playability. make mains smaller so you can take away that are behind the nats where shit can attack without any resistance! cut mains down by 25% or so and youll be fine. those corners have 1 too many ramps (the little one leads to nowhere).
"...no playability..." I played it a couple times, imo it plays well.
well any map is playable, but some are just more uncomfortable. seems like too many ramps and paths that are too close, so i sense that armies will go places you dont want to go
inept i want a re-match! But i also want to play in normal time, not only night time when i suck and play whit 90-100 apm...
raised jungle contains many-many dropspots, do not use it for cliffs or put critter onto them. also this might confuse the players, but dropping confuses more ;)

the sidepath form nat to the 11 and 4 onlymineral look very weird and useless for flanking plus the expos are in the way so it will make the two paths on the normal ground even more thinner. i guess it will be hard to break a terran slow push here without the possibility of flanking, they could hold the half of the map and also shoot the main or nat..
The map definitely needs some moving around, but the map didn't feel awkward at all when I played it.
90-100 APM is still like double my apm. im around 70 apm.
90-100 / 2 < 70 -_-
LGI fighting 230 apm ftw O_O
modified by SynDrome
...that's the first comment you say in like weeks and it's as useless as mine and lnept's comments? oO
I have ideas on improving this map but can't do it just yet cuz I can't really do anythang sc related with mom around so weekend I'll do it fo sho.
btw 250 apms when fresh ^,^ 200 on average ;P
so what I pwn u
hey joel just wait till I'm getting good grades & my mom lets me play again so I can get into practice & find out how to counter 20 hatches in a zerg main ^^,,l,,