(4)Antarctic Diary
Map ID: #1919

Author: Salazar Slytherin
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 06 13:34

Comments (20)
Nice work in keeping the pathing fine.
I think it might be a little cramped, though. But I would have to play it to make sure, there are some large open areas outside the center.
hmm it's pretty simple but I like it.
I really don't like the positional imbalance of main to nat distance, it is as bad as lt in that respect =/

I bet it's fine roomwise, I don't think it's too tight from the pic at all.
awesome layout .. you always seem to impress.

remember nitemjoo that units travel faster north and south than they do east or west. so the nats could be pretty reasonable.
wtf really? lol
wut teh fuk? they do?
depends on the unit actually.
no they all do actually.. its just that they only some appear to walk faster b/c of the actual animation they make. You can def tell when microing a marine vs a lurker. Try microing it north and south then west and east. you can tell then for sure.
nasty maybe its just an optical illusion.. the screen is wider than higher because the panels down.
the movement speed is the same when moving from one corner to the other, horizontal and vertical
I played this map once, there are like cut in half trees in the mains which are in the way, they block miner movement and stuff lol...

blue's ramp is exceptionally hard to attack =/

otherwise it played alright, considering I won the game pretty fast =/
Min onlies are glitched, they only work if you play the CC on the side nearest to the middle. This map sucks, I regret voting for it.

NO MORE VOTING FOR MAPS YOU DON'T TEST. It's honestly rediculous how much people weigh jpeg images.
wait, whats wrong with the mineral onlies? i dont understand what your stating. :/
If you make your expo in that little path behind the min only, peons get confused and won't mine properly.
and the chopped doodads in the mains are really stupid
I believe those actually fix pathing night. Look at our replay.
Ok I played the map again, my mineral only worked fine, and the trees weren't in my way (NW pos the trees are annoying).
I think it's really neat to try and use those trees to correct miner ai.
Hmm, Well I'm glad Terran can easily defend thier nat from thier main. Almost the same for the min only.
I don't like the map too much, its a good concept but wasn't pulled off too well.
lol what's wrong with the concept? Reps might illustrate what you mean best ;) Not like you can't defend your nat from main in most maps... =/
small mains, rest good