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(4)New Bloodbath 1.36
Map ID: #1957
Author: SpoR
Map Size: 64*64
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 11, 13 11:58
Comments (20)
New Blood Bath Advance 1.3
Modified my old version because of balance issues. 01-22-07.
The old vesion 1.1 is here:
°Removed 9 starting crystals =Protoss imbalance. (went back to 8)
°Removed too much space behind minerals to hide buildings = TvZ imbalance. (spread minerals out more)
Zerg took the worst of it in the last version. ( T_T )
°Terrain is mostly the same.
°Added an observer version and the correct jpeg.
If any of you don't know how to wall on BB I put plating on the floor to give a semi blueprint. and here are the screenshots if you're still confused.
The miniMap in the screenshots does NOT represent this version of the map. modified by SpoR
modified by SpoR
ehhhhh Deja vu? seen this b4, & dont think anybody really cared
i really don think it was necessary to upload another map of BB. YOU REALLY could have just edited your previous map..
No, because the title is different and it wouldnt let me change the name.
1- For whatever reason starforge isnt working with me. I can't change players colors even though i changed them, they still come out in the game wrong. Is it because of space tileset?
2 - fixed, gotta take players off inactive. starforge is so gay sometimes. I hate how it saves .bak files for everything too. modified by SpoR
i just play the regular BB, or theres always 1.02 Tournament version.
wtf? Starparty is spamming bwm now?
Yay! At last, another v. of bloodbath!! I've been waiting for this woot woot! .. :/
There was a small problem with observer version so i updated it to 1.31 leave a comment if it still has some problems.
i think you should make a new entry for new versions tbh.
But people kept bitching about uploading more bloodbaths, whatever I'm working on a Bloodbath raised with ramps.
Simply.. revolutionary!
I love the new and original concept!
I love ... everything off this map!
I herby declare this map flawless (along with cat n mice and 0Clutter)
Minor Update to bottom left minerals and map picture now shows how to wall as terran.
thanks, ive been waiting impatiently for that. Can we ditch bb now?
This is like the gazillionth BB edit I've seen.
does anyone mind just deleting this stupid shit?
AlphaBlend noticed that 2 spot when terran walls their marine can be exploited because its the only base where he pops outside the wall.
So Don't hate on this map just ignore it if you don't care about it. I keep this map link in my profile on bnet for BB players to DL and use. I'm sure Panschk can see how many times this map/page has been DLed/looked at or something. modified by SpoR
Modified my old version because of balance issues. 01-22-07.
The old vesion 1.1 is here:
°Removed 9 starting crystals =Protoss imbalance. (went back to 8)
°Removed too much space behind minerals to hide buildings = TvZ imbalance. (spread minerals out more)
Zerg took the worst of it in the last version. ( T_T )
°Terrain is mostly the same.
°Added an observer version and the correct jpeg.
If any of you don't know how to wall on BB I put plating on the floor to give a semi blueprint. and here are the screenshots if you're still confused.
The miniMap in the screenshots does NOT represent this version of the map.
modified by SpoR
modified by SpoR
1- For whatever reason starforge isnt working with me. I can't change players colors even though i changed them, they still come out in the game wrong. Is it because of space tileset?
2 - fixed, gotta take players off inactive. starforge is so gay sometimes. I hate how it saves .bak files for everything too.
modified by SpoR
I love the new and original concept!
I love ... everything off this map!
I herby declare this map flawless (along with cat n mice and 0Clutter)
So we fixed it. Version 1.36 now
Here are the updated walls:
modified by SpoR
Thats my blog on TL with a huge BB guide.
So Don't hate on this map just ignore it if you don't care about it. I keep this map link in my profile on bnet for BB players to DL and use. I'm sure Panschk can see how many times this map/page has been DLed/looked at or something.
modified by SpoR