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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #2002
Author: Arden(WoF)
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2007, 04, 28 02:11
Comments (34)
whoa it looks great, as always. I think you should give more space for the island expos next to the mains for turrets etc. As it is now, there doesnt seem to be much room for it.. unless u wanted it hard to defend.
Welcome back!
Hey guys...
This is a rather old map of mine that I've neglected to upload several months ago. I don't remember quite what my intentions were when I first made it, so I don't have very much to say for it. I will point out however, that the geysers on the small snow patch expansions only hold 2500 gas, otherwise there may have been an excess, which Zerg would have had a party with.
It's obviously an island map... So immediately, you can "tsk, tsk" me... hah. Well... I haven't made anymore maps recently, and this will probably be the last one I ever upload, so enjoy. And if not, then just delete it =).
nvm there is ample room at those islands. gw
yeah... as you can see I intentionally added a mass of doodads on those islands, because I wanted it to be semi difficult to defend; seeing as how it's right next to your main...
Yeah, this is why you should come back to bwm for real. Good map :)
Do you guys think I should add a mineral block at those islands? I think Terran might take advantage of them too early in the game... Opinions?
good map as far as island maps go. looks are great though.
i don't think the blocking mineral would be necessary. the rest of the map is so open, t might need the help.
this can't not be the last map you ever upload.. you will be back. they always come back. i'm not worried.
Well, I fear that this map will suffer the same problem as NFZ, being impossible for t in tvp; that's because the middle is a big open area.
But with the islands and the corner expansions, well that's up to testing.
the map is nice,and most important i can see a concept behind your's not maded at random,a little from this,a liitle more from that.
nevertheless i see a problem with those high snow spots behind the expos on NV and SE.tanks can land easaly in that area,also p can build canons.and as a p or z this would be a bitch to defend yourself.
you can make also the middle tighter by using water or outpost tile(my suggestion).in this case i would make the bridges nearer to the middle larger(those 2 horiz. bridges).
maybe a nicer terrain deco in the mains(just if u consider this would improve the map)
apart from this,good work
uhh thats not bad after a couple of months, but i fear this map will be a little hard for tvp as the center is really big and protoss could support a considerable army when terran tries to move out. but its just a thought, i dont know, maybe ill try it.
I made a few small changes... Stuck some outpost in the middle to break up that space without taking too much away from the expansions. A few other small adjustments as well... Just trying to finalize it before I can move on. (I'm OCD like that)
nice edit
still great
This map is extremely empty. The mains are huge and the ground is completely empty. No narrow passages except for the bridges. The expansions are much too far away from each other so you can not hold both at the same time.
I cannot say anything about the balance but I just hate the concept.
I love you to Scout! =D. I missed you....
i like what you done with the terrain deco.but,think about those spots on NV and long they just helping t and p you will have a imba in this map.change them so that you cant build (canons),or land on them(tanks).use doodads or change the terrain itself modified by Grief_Stricken
grief that's no imbalance, all three races can use those cliffs lol...
Scout I don't think the map is anti t. It's open yes, but the majority of the openness is away from the gas expos t needs so much.
@nightmarjoo explain can z use those spots on NV & SE?
i already describe how t & p can use them,so please dont tell me the same things again,just answer the question
Ever heard of lurkers?
btw, it's NW, not NV.
ever heard about range? lurkers never can hurt those expos,nor the workers.canons can attack workers,because they have a wider range.and i dont wanna start to talk about tanks
btw,are you boozed?
lol you're an idiot, lurks can hit the miners, and so could sunks. Don't say that's too rediculous an idea considering you expect p to mass cannons there oO
lurkers to attack those expos from the spots was really daft,but to build sunks on those spots is just unreflected mid-tempo're off your rocker!!!!this means you have to place firstly a hatch there...damn,you really can play these game...blimey...!!! modified by Grief_Stricken
lol Grief 1v1? Any map; name a time and place.
I can't hope noticing the lack of a comment :O
Not bad arden.
very nice airmap, still it fels a bit empty and i wouldn't mind some obstacles. i like it.
I kinda agree that its empty... though I didn't realize it before. I may address that eventually.. but knowing me, itl stay in this rough condition forever ;)
I realize this thread is dead, but, isn't map id 1421 also named Sunder?
i think this map can get away with it XP since they arent exact :)
True. That's sunder_v1.22 or some random dumbshit like that.
Meh. This map was overlooked :/
o I forgot about this map >< ima try and get some games on it sometime lol
ok added two replays. Sorry for them being so shitty, I am sick and feel shittier than the reps are...
I like the map, it does seem kinda hard for terran though (although my t is nothing to base a map off of =/).
whoa it looks great, as always. I think you should give more space for the island expos next to the mains for turrets etc. As it is now, there doesnt seem to be much room for it.. unless u wanted it hard to defend.
Welcome back!
This is a rather old map of mine that I've neglected to upload several months ago. I don't remember quite what my intentions were when I first made it, so I don't have very much to say for it. I will point out however, that the geysers on the small snow patch expansions only hold 2500 gas, otherwise there may have been an excess, which Zerg would have had a party with.
It's obviously an island map... So immediately, you can "tsk, tsk" me... hah. Well... I haven't made anymore maps recently, and this will probably be the last one I ever upload, so enjoy. And if not, then just delete it =).
i don't think the blocking mineral would be necessary. the rest of the map is so open, t might need the help.
this can't not be the last map you ever upload.. you will be back. they always come back. i'm not worried.
But with the islands and the corner expansions, well that's up to testing.
nevertheless i see a problem with those high snow spots behind the expos on NV and SE.tanks can land easaly in that area,also p can build canons.and as a p or z this would be a bitch to defend yourself.
you can make also the middle tighter by using water or outpost tile(my suggestion).in this case i would make the bridges nearer to the middle larger(those 2 horiz. bridges).
maybe a nicer terrain deco in the mains(just if u consider this would improve the map)
apart from this,good work
I cannot say anything about the balance but I just hate the concept.
modified by Grief_Stricken
Scout I don't think the map is anti t. It's open yes, but the majority of the openness is away from the gas expos t needs so much.
i already describe how t & p can use them,so please dont tell me the same things again,just answer the question
btw, it's NW, not NV.
btw,are you boozed?
modified by Grief_Stricken
Meh. This map was overlooked :/
I like the map, it does seem kinda hard for terran though (although my t is nothing to base a map off of =/).