(2)Battle on Char
Map ID: #2015

Author: RaNDoMiZe
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2007, 03, 22 10:09

Comments (13)
well it has a unique design but it seems like the execution isnt all there. I really dont like the 6 oclock expo.
Okey... why dont you like the 6 oclock exp? please explain it.
Really, those inverted ramps made people stop planning their maps...

If the whole map was turned upside down, you'd have more inverted ramps, actually, but the important ramps at the main bases would be correct. And I say it again: Even the BEST inverted ramps have flaws. If we had a tool that can display height levels, you'd see it. Also, the gameplay around an inverted is worse than around a normal ramp...

The top of the map (only the accessible-by-ground part) doesn't need all those ramps. You would do better with a big plateau and some tactical elements, also move the minonlies there. Otherwise it won't be used anyways.

The mineral blocks on the top islands (and the one on the bottom as well, actually) are not necessary at all and should be removed. It is NOT necessary to block every single air expansion,only the ones that terran has advantages of (prime example: Gorky Island).

What is the cliff behind the nat good for if you block it with doodads? You risk leaving some gaps (at least a ht should fit somewhere) open, but don't gain anything of it. Pull the cliff back a bit so that it is certainly not walkable. The mass doodads don't look good either, btw.

The map grabs some ideas off RoV, island between mains, expansions along the left/right border, ramp-focused gameplay.
RoV is carried out a lot better, though.
This is the new version!
I like it, perhaps give the S island a little more room, looks too small, I'm not sure whether it'll be harder to attack or defend lol
seems nice, but why are there 10 min blocks @ minonly expos? favours much likely terran i think
+ there is too few space behind the nat, mayb you could add there some (e.g. by removing the cliff behind it or moving the nat a bit to the front)
Thx the tips. This is the final version. I think...
hmm I would suggest reducing the mineral count at the gas expo past the mineral only, to have all of them with high minerals removes the need to get the mineral only.
Okey... done it. Thx. I forget it.
This is the final version!
I would reccomend the gas expos having 6 blocks not 8.
I decreased the mineral in the gas expos.
Looks good :)