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(2)Scope Lens
Map ID: #2041
Author: lnept
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 20 20:53
Comments (28)
well, i finished this map finally got around to doing it..
not many doodads yet, not that space high ground is very interesting anyway
hmm interesting, I think the highground ought to be tighter.
ok I will make that part less open
Looks Pretty good but i dont like taht mineral wall, it looks liek there all 1500 from the pic
Interesting map, but I have the same concern as in Nentai, that using the mining trick a probe will get out and contain zerg to their base. I see, however, that one of the mineral clumps is only 100 so the problem is less severe.
also it would have to be right outside your base and in only one spot which i would hope you would see with your overlord. a sunken can block a sort of cannon contain.
(btw you cant change how minerals look from a pic but yes one of them is 100)
lol my pic maker makes smaller minerals, and I don't mean scmdraft
yeah, i saw this map when it wasnt completed ;)
i think the creator of hitchhiker stole the idea of the middle :P
nice concept, but mayb you could create the mains a bit larger + i think protoss has some advantage on this map vs terran (too open)
hitchhiker has been around forever, i stole it from hitchhiker actually.
first hitchhiker version was used in....season 7 PGT was it?
im going to make that wide open part tighter yes, besides that i will make mains bigger.
will update tomorrow.
sounds good
alright done, so if anyone wants to play with me, inept @ west
how does this map play inept? maybe in some macroish games the main will be so small, but maybe not, the only one gas is rarely brings massing units so fast.
and where are the decorations! ^^
the replay on there is a good example of tvp early game/mid game sorta.
need to play people ^^
turned the island into not an island, didnt flow with the map. opened a choke like 1 space, added gas behind that min only, and other insignificant things
looks weird to play. expos pushed together in block s far apart. modified by flothefreak
It is pretty "weird" ... But I kind of like the concept, which is why I chose it. Original is saved on my hardrive =), and the original pic is in the PMM Thread
woah. nice pimp.
wow great job. is it possible to do that kind of finesse on terrain in staredit? I cant even get close to that
only thing is I wish you would keep the minerals in main at 6 instead of 8. from playing it, with that mineral block even WITH 6 you get a shitload of minerals to gas ratio at beginning so i dont even want to see 8 lol
I can do that. Anything for lnept =). Honestly... I just deleted the mins and assumed that there were 8... The mains had 6? Very well.
Arden's pimps are better than Starparty's pimps.
Now now... let us not forget Jade_Zone...
From what I see, everything except for the inverted ramps should be possible in staredit as well.
I guess/hope you used the mirror tool, though ;)
Ugh.. having trouble with the dl. It uploaded the old version.
Ok... I had to change the "0" to an "o" because otherwise the site reads the old name as the old map and the old version will dl when you hit "melee". modified by Arden(WoF)
hmm can anyone say, PIMPAGE? :P great layout etc.. i was suggesting a few weeks ago for lnept to do some changes and this edit is so much nicer than what i had in mind. This edit made it so much more diverse. and not to mention that its really really appealing. great stuff
too low minerals in main?!
also it is more like semi-ground not only ground;o (as it says on top)
not many doodads yet, not that space high ground is very interesting anyway
(btw you cant change how minerals look from a pic but yes one of them is 100)
i think the creator of hitchhiker stole the idea of the middle :P
nice concept, but mayb you could create the mains a bit larger + i think protoss has some advantage on this map vs terran (too open)
first hitchhiker version was used in....season 7 PGT was it?
im going to make that wide open part tighter yes, besides that i will make mains bigger.
will update tomorrow.
and where are the decorations! ^^
need to play people ^^
modified by flothefreak
only thing is I wish you would keep the minerals in main at 6 instead of 8. from playing it, with that mineral block even WITH 6 you get a shitload of minerals to gas ratio at beginning so i dont even want to see 8 lol
I guess/hope you used the mirror tool, though ;)
Ok... I had to change the "0" to an "o" because otherwise the site reads the old name as the old map and the old version will dl when you hit "melee".
modified by Arden(WoF)
also it is more like semi-ground not only ground;o (as it says on top)