(4)Burn in Hell
Map ID: #2050

Author: ZaG
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2011, 03, 06 01:58

Comments (10)
Try the map before add raiting. It ofers more than it looks. I am open fore suggestions.
modified by ZaG
That may be... but the positional imbalances are pretty obvious. It's hard to even place a CC at some of the mineral lines... It needs some work =/.
The mineral lines in general are very straight, which is not very appealing.
It is also generally a good idea to have 1-2 empty lines behind the mineral lines.

The map seems quite imbalanced imo.

I like the amount of critters in the middle though :)

If the map is as good as you say, then upload some replays as proof.

modified by phenolphthalein
this is a mucho map, isnt it?
well zag, let your map be treated as it likes.. let's say: offers SO less, sry for these words really

the crucial is positional imbalance, but you also would have to take care about the many issues that you didnt, first of all: balance of open/tight areas
modified by Antares
Guys, don't just tell him he has to fix "positional imbalances" and "tight areas", let him know exactly what it is you are talking about. Make specific suggestions using GMCS.

For example, Zag, see the GMCS, the chokes to the nats NW and SE are tighter than the chokes to the nats SW and NE. This makes SW and NE harder to defend. The distance from the starting location of your main to the ramp is very different for the mains, NW seems to be the longest. Also, the mains are huge, you don't need so much space. As a rule of thumb make the buildable space within the main the size of your computer screen. Additionally, there are just too many minerals and gas within the mains. Finally, what is it with the flag, the crystal and the map locator in the center (this only shows in the editor)?
modified by Lancet
I am new to the map making and there is a lot to learn . The map is realy unbalancer , Terran will have the advantage here. The flag and the crystal ..m i just like them and they dont mess with the gameplay so there is no problem with them i guess. And i played the map several times with friends i was pretty fun ( for friendly games ) , but that was long ago and i dont have the reps . And i did not say it was good i just said it is not as bad as it appears to be.
modified by ZaG
modified by ZaG
hehe still alot to learn zag.
modified by SynDroMe
Theres the gas issue here also
Gas issue
a lot to learn.

Since players can spawn at random spots, you are going to need to make naturals equal.

Nat min placement should also be equal, and so should base size. The distance to the other expos has to be even as well. This is why we have a thing called Symmetry. You not only want symmetry, but you want to have a balance in your opening. If you are anything like the rest of BWtards, it isn't balanced until there's nothing there. Also, you want your gasses on top of the main building. Also, at all other expos. The difference in bases, will cause people to whine about set build orders, (that were all more fun before they were set). Since people can't actually think for themselves. Another couple of things are. Don't copy already made maps, it will be bitched about.

You always want your expos expoable. Defense of these expos should be totally map dependent. But for that to happen we would actually need people intelligent enough to think up their own ways. So, you should also watch pro league, because that's generally what people follow like zombies. Look at pro league maps, not the ones on here. Then you will be able to get a better understanding of how balance works. You also need to watch out for min placement bugs.

I have made a lot of maps and I am at a stage where I get most of this right. But since people are bias I don't actually get any credit for a decent map.

This map is similar to two farmington girls in a beauty pageant. Ok, so there are two girls from South Dakota in it also. Well, Farmerton is a very redneck town and so they will obviously go for the Farmerton girls, despite the fact that they both have chubby-flubber-beer bellies. Meanwhile the girls from South Dakota are perfect in shape.

Now apply this human stupidity to map making. The farmers just wanted to please ol jim at the saw mill don't pay him no mind he wasn do na.... lala

The clincher(the reason it's always pointless):

"I only play pro league maps"

Because one day he's going to be a pro.

Infact, AssCrackOfDawn is the only map that everyone would play reguardless. There are a hell of a lot of Horny-Virgins in starcraft and that's just about the only way to mass please.

Politics on BW is a really simple thing. There is one thing you must do:

"I have a really great ass guys. Hey, wanna play?"

In ums no one cares, because it's all just joking around.

But thanks to koreans, this kind of thing is serious business.

Until (JuniorDong)Jaedong popularizes island maps, good luck.
modified by HutGnrl