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(2)In Arms
Map ID: #2151
Author: Excalibur
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 04, 15 22:56
Comments (8)
I made this after taking the problems of The Stand into account. I cant say that i think i did alot better, but when I look at this from when i started, i know im improving atleast somewhat.
Ive read articles time and again and ive looked at just about every new map coming in. I cant say i see problems any better.
Im guessing its too tight just because it seems thats what im always getting. And maybe i dont play enough melee but i dont see how youd need some massive map absorbing plane of nothingness in the middle to fight in. By the time you get such an army your going to be dealing with air and drops.
Anyway, let me know whats wrong with it and if it isnt another horrible failure ill try and fix it.
I like it, but the mains I think need more room.
Edit: Updated. modified by Excalibur
Nice, what do you think of extending the main up to the choke (see gmcs)? It would give terran a fighting chance to break out into the wide open middle by placing tanks there.
What's different? If you changed the main space, bare in mind that you want to place your buildings near your ramp, otherwise movement from buildings out of the base can get awkward... perhaps make the formations vertical and place the sls on the sides of the mains opposite the ramp?
All right im going to take your suggestion Lancet, and Nightmarjoo, i dont quite understand what your saying. GMCS perhaps?
added 1 gmc
Nightmarejoo i think i did what you said, but i wasnt quite sure of what you meant.
Cosmetics changed, doodaded a bit, hopefully it didnt get in the way.
Ive read articles time and again and ive looked at just about every new map coming in. I cant say i see problems any better.
Im guessing its too tight just because it seems thats what im always getting. And maybe i dont play enough melee but i dont see how youd need some massive map absorbing plane of nothingness in the middle to fight in. By the time you get such an army your going to be dealing with air and drops.
Anyway, let me know whats wrong with it and if it isnt another horrible failure ill try and fix it.
modified by Excalibur
Nightmarejoo i think i did what you said, but i wasnt quite sure of what you meant.
Cosmetics changed, doodaded a bit, hopefully it didnt get in the way.