Map ID: #2172

Author: RaDiX
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 04, 29 18:49

Comments (19)
Hope u like it...
interesting, but too chaotic for my tastes.
that's alot of gas exps radix, i'm thinkin maybe make the nat min only or two of the exps min only :)
Quite aesthetic look.

But I agree with Alumni.
Too many gas exps.
hmm... The 2nd gas exp near the natu has 1000 Gas, forgotten to say.. :P
every expo doesn't need a cliff ;)
I think the expo in the NW and SW, above/below the mains, the cliff should be cut back, so that it is more open (I'll gmc it).
even paths is wtf to pathing -.-
I don't think there is too much gas at all.

Actually I really like this one.
Ya, LGI will kill you ;p

Anyways, I don't think there is too much gas. Keep in mind that there are quite few expansions in total, so this will get a little more focus on higher tech units, but I don't think that's bad.

What I don't like about it is that there are only 2 neutral expansions; that's pretty few for a 2 player map. Imo at least one of the 3 expansions close to the mains should become more neutral.

I don't really like those bridges in the center either, imo they are too tight.
"I don't really like those bridges in the center either, imo they are too tight."

I made them tight on purpose, so you wont change ur path except in a real need.

Removed cliff from that 1 exp..

any other suggestions?

any1 wna test? :P
Very innovative, I like it. I have also implemented the concept of a double choke opening to two battlefields in my map "Oracular Visions" but I wrestled with the concept for a while before placing the double choke BEFORE the nat. I did this because I was concerned that the defense of the double choke would be difficult and this is my concern about your map. Do you think that all the races will be able to defend the chokes to the same extent? Maybe you should narrow it (see gmcs)?

I think that the expos on the sides of the double choke should be mineral only expos (6 minerals is fine, disregard one of my comments in the gmcs). Some games are done before the third gas expo is taken. All that gas next to the double choke may just not encourage much use of the areas to the NE and SW of your map. And,talking about these areas, include an additional gas expo there.

So your final layout would be main and nat: Mineral and gas, expos next to double choke: mineral only, 2 expos in areas NE and SW: mineral and gas. So if players want a third source of gas they will have to move out and expo to the NE or SW.

Finally, the mineral line in the NW main is closer to the top than the mineral line in the SE main is to the bottom.
I actually find this map really, really sweet!

Lancet's above comment about the mains is true and should be fixed. Narrowing the double choke by a pinch should maybe also be considered?

Good job though!
Fun replay! You really surprised him with the SCV/Marine attack,if you had not fallen in the supply depot trap you would have won the game. He was too greedy and went for the second Hatch when he could have built one or two sunkens. But these are the problems with a double choke, you were attacking from the south and he retaliated via the north!
Hmm thx lancet, was funny but newbish game ^^.. So u mean I should tight up the chokes from natural?
I think so! But not by a crazy amount at all.
modified by joust85
the map seems very sloppy in my opinion. disorganized though deco execution is lovely ;P

it seems like you made this map for beauty and not for play :P
NastyMarine, what exactly do you mean? What aspects of this map make it "sloppy" "disorganized" and "not made for play" compared to other maps? After detailing these aspects suggest ways in which, in your opinion, he could improve the map.
I'll edit this in this week.. :p
Here is the edit!

I tried to listen to all your wishes and this is how it ended:

-Narrowed pathes from natu
-Changed the place of one of the exp's... (They still got 1000 gas)
-Some deco changes

Motm gogo? Grr i want motm so bad ;s... Hehe, testing msg me!

This still aint final, suggestions are welcome.
some ruins patterns on the jungle around the nats are cut off...