(4)Neo Equilibrium2.3
Map ID: #218

Author: SpoR[Mech]
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2005, 07, 27 18:30

Comments (8)
The design is not too appealing, but i believe gameplay seems to be better, and after all that is the important part. perhaps too many islands and the lack of a separate 2nat will probably be noticed during play..
Well, Listoric will say: Wrong tileset, use Space^^

I don't think it's that bad, it has not the beauty of trcc or starpartys map, but its ok.

On the top right pos, you can't place an add-on to the island expans if you place your CC in optimal mining-distance.

I'd say 6/10 right now.
You mean top left :P
Yes i did;O

I really hope Spor[Mech] is not one of these "fire and forget" mappers, the maps all have potential.
Im pretty sure addons fit at all the island maps, this map does look a little blocky i've been editting it for a year.
Your name
maps = expanions , lol tpyo. where is the edit feature?
There is none, but there was never supposed to be either ;) This way perhaps people think a little bit more before they type stupid things :) ofc typos are a bit anoying this way... :P
Hehe panschk, YES, wrong tileset ^^

I still like space or installation maps with straight cliffs better than natrual tilesets.

But, i like the map itself. I`d change two things:

- the min-onlys should be somewhere else: on the now small high-ground near the island expos left and right hand side.
- then you should widen this small high ground to several small high grounds behind each other to prevent a drop on the high ground, or behind it...

gosh my english sucks atm. here a small "picture"

eXpansion -> (X) |||| (<- small high ground walls) (x) <- Island expansion