Map ID: #2244

Author: Tuy
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 02 21:55

Comments (2)
This is a jungle version of my map, Tartarus. I think it looks better as a jungle map. I made very few changes to the map other than a change in tileset. I'll add an obs version if I ever move this map to final.
there is too much space you waste.
i would remove the minonly and place'em where your rocky ground is.

no1 will use the 12 and 6 rocky ground, there is too much wasted space at 3 and 9

you have 2 walls at 3 and 9, where minly are suppose to be attacked from.
what about removing the upper at 9 and the lower at 3, so all 4 paths are the same, then you can add the minonly/multy there because it won't be so wast to defend.

the islands are too vulnearble to anything, what about making the it some bigger (like using the terrain from 9to10 and 3to4, placeing some high/low inwalkable thing, that will make the islands some strong and beautifull.

your ramps are bad copy/pasted.
it was better in the Ash World.