(4)Star Of Ages
Map ID: #2270

Author: Excalibur
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 11 10:22

Comments (9)
I think its pretty obvious what map inspired this. ;)

Im very proud of the look of this map, its just plain sexy looking to me. Took me quite awhile to doodad too. All 910 of them.

Anyway notes:
Inverts look nice in game. I took time on checking the tiles with the grid off.
Mineral formations do suck, but i dont feel that they greatly hinder gameplay.
I know there is a lack of expos, but i was hard pressed fitting in what i did.

All suggestions welcome.
mains too slow or too much mineral fields?
20 fields if FE.
i use 7 o 8 in main and 6 in expos xD
remove the minonlies :S

vertical positions are too close, toss won't FE against zerg, zerg has problems if toss it too close, also rushling, and imagine a tank push T_T
what map inspired this? Geometry?

Tank drops? where? Doodaded everything.

Mount Shakuras was actually the inspiration. The only geometry thing of it is the main/nat, and thats only sort of.
Tank drops fixed
problems at first glance: Mains are very small.. like chameleon - which wasnt a very good map to get good macro going at all for T and P. Also Vertical main vs main games will be easy Terran ownage im afraid.
I was meaning this for 2v2, but correct never the less.
somehow i see a bit of DMZ in it too but SO GLAD you didn't spam disruption webs lol.

you would probably open up more building space in the main if the min/gas were placed close to the edges like north/south edges of the map but with enough room behind mins for turrets. :)
vert pos are way too close, horiz pos are awkward as the expos are so far from the pathing. The huge main/nat mineral count rapes zerg. Vert pos there is nothing to fight over; zerg probably wins every game with lurk rush. The middle is just unrealistic for gameplay, the expos are too close, one person gets it all or no one gets anything, there's just nothing to fight over, and little need to expo with such a rich main/nat. And yeah the mains are too small, increase them to the edges of the map, and move the nat/entrances to the corner of the main/nat rather than straight up.
as mappicture, nice look
as map, bad look (talking ONLY of the look of it)