(2)Mountain Pass
Map ID: #2297

Author: Excalibur
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 06, 24 17:34

Comments (8)
Second of two maps inspired by (2)Lost Soul by ptar.

Not much to say on this one either. I was considering removing the mineral min onlys.
very few building space. especially considering you have a boring macro-gasisland just next to you. my advice: delete this isle, it hurts gameplay, and turn its space into mainbase room. you can keep the minonly island, though - but minblock/neutralblock here, so terran will be pushed to using the groundminonly. that expo makes the game more open than the islandexpansion.
i like the center structure with the hill with unbuildable around it, it has definetly some style. but erase the minonly expansion, because you dont need them as there are enough minonly expansion while their placement is ridiculos.
i would also suggest switching mainminerals to only 7 blocks to help zerg in the early of ZvT.

if you change your map like this, it will be well balanced and somewhat innovative while still being fun to play.
i really like this, and with those changes, the best map you've ever made by far. congratulations!
Updated with all the changes you suggested Flo. Let me know if anything else appears.
hm, you should relocate the starting positions so you neither have a too long distance to the natural, but still have good and comfortable building space. may you'll have to turn some of the cliff-wall-maze into normal highground.
also, try to loosen all that rocky ground a bit with small dots and areas of dirt (and maybe dirt doodads). also, try to reshape the minonly island to be more fluent and roundshaped, as it is an ugly square right now.
hm, and if you decide to take the island expo out (that'd be an option to make it less turtling), you could add a new expansion instead at the spots marked in gmcs. i dont know what's better for the gameplay (hard to judge, best would be to test both), but if it was my map, i would certainly consider this.

likey likey the map :)
The only thing stopping an update is a little problem im having on weather or not the main should be moved, and where to move it.
either put it into corners which would result in awkward building space on top position. or keep it as it is, but move it a bit downwards on top pos. and upwards on bottom pos.
if you choose 2nd version, be careful not to make the nat/main distance too long. just move it slightly, so you gain normal building space while having some place behind the minerals for drop/techbuildings/static defence.
All right, thanks Flo. Doing that then updating.

modified by Excalibur
Id like to get some more feedback here if possible. its like its just me and flo here. ):