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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #2314
Author: LessThanThree
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2007, 09, 09 17:20
Comments (10)
My first map. Looking for comments on how to improve it. A few notes...
-There are pathing bugs trying to move from the high ground natural out towards the center if the Norad/Generator haven't been cleared.
-North/South bases have modified mineral and gas counts. They'll dry up a little faster than most bases.
-Decoration isn't so hot... I don't have a great eye for design. If anyone can point out good/bad stuff I'd be very appreciative.
-I was a little worried about PvZ balance, but after testing, the long rush distance prevents P from overpowering Z with a 2 gate, which I was worried about since Z has no easy way to defend both main and raised nat without first building a hatch at choke, but 12 hatch/11 pool managed to have 4 lings out before a zealot arrived.
Please give me advice if you can spare the time.
your first map? U gotta be kidding me... This can't be your 1st map -.-
For your first map its pretty good, were you trying to get the Battle Marshes feeling?
I think you have a good idea here with decent flow. Executed nicely, but there seems to be lacking something for me. Have you tested pathing for the in base expo? It seems like units well get confused b/c its at an awkward position - maybe not tho. Nice style, i hope to see more from you.
whahaha what's wrong with you radix?
and i don't think uints will get confused because the entrance is open and is not hurted by the natural but it will be very hard to protect.
Zerg will need a Hatchery ner the wide ramp before fast minoly expo or high ground expo.
also there is too much cash in a map fr only 2 players.
nice map, i guess the double geyser got 2500 gass?
what do u mean testbug? :O What's wrong with me?
Units do get a bit confused about the natural if the neutral buildings haven't been cleared, but it's a pretty minor issue. Truthfully, I like it, because it encourages players to open up that backdoor later in the game, which has been game ending in some of the matches I've played here.
Zerg does need a hatchery at the choke, no getting around that, but they can easily get it up in time thanks to the rush distance. Against an FEing Protoss or Terran (which seems very likely on a map like this), they can probably take the mineral only safely as well since the delay and rush distance combined will give them ample time to defend.
Double geyser has 2.5K gas each. Also, north south base values are 3K gas and 3x400, 3x750, 3x1.5K for the minerals.
Is the sheer amount of resources that bad? Lost Temple is typically played with 2 players and it has significantly more than this map.
LessThanThree, we are a LOT similar. look at my map, sunkendunes2.0. both have same # expos, 1v1, desert, dont have ugly highground t low ground to high round terrain... howwever, make the mid a bit les open.
Diagonal pathing will be OK but pathing towards areas beyond the gas nat will be messed up. But that is the price you pay for having neutrals. You will just either have to blast them or issue special instructions to your troops. Otherwise, nice map.
-There are pathing bugs trying to move from the high ground natural out towards the center if the Norad/Generator haven't been cleared.
-North/South bases have modified mineral and gas counts. They'll dry up a little faster than most bases.
-Decoration isn't so hot... I don't have a great eye for design. If anyone can point out good/bad stuff I'd be very appreciative.
-I was a little worried about PvZ balance, but after testing, the long rush distance prevents P from overpowering Z with a 2 gate, which I was worried about since Z has no easy way to defend both main and raised nat without first building a hatch at choke, but 12 hatch/11 pool managed to have 4 lings out before a zealot arrived.
Please give me advice if you can spare the time.
and i don't think uints will get confused because the entrance is open and is not hurted by the natural but it will be very hard to protect.
Zerg will need a Hatchery ner the wide ramp before fast minoly expo or high ground expo.
also there is too much cash in a map fr only 2 players.
nice map, i guess the double geyser got 2500 gass?
Zerg does need a hatchery at the choke, no getting around that, but they can easily get it up in time thanks to the rush distance. Against an FEing Protoss or Terran (which seems very likely on a map like this), they can probably take the mineral only safely as well since the delay and rush distance combined will give them ample time to defend.
Double geyser has 2.5K gas each. Also, north south base values are 3K gas and 3x400, 3x750, 3x1.5K for the minerals.
Is the sheer amount of resources that bad? Lost Temple is typically played with 2 players and it has significantly more than this map.