(2)Frozen Battlefield
Map ID: #2335

Author: ptar
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2013, 04, 22 23:43

Comments (26)
Nightmarjoo's cometition was perfect. I only make 128x96 maps and i wanted to try out the ice Tileset. This map got the standart "ptar" layout.^^ Main-Natural-minonly-expansions in the corners. The natural is tankable, but i left a little hole in the Outpost so units like zealots and marines can get trough. I will add bridges later on and some doodads too. I only wanted to hear your suggestions, ideas first.
modified by ptar
It's "ok". Stupid comment yes I know. Nothing revolutionary, should play solid. Add some ursadons plz ;D.
That was the most helpful coment i've ever read ^^. But as long as you don't say It's crap, it's a nice one. What do you mean with ursadons? Don't get the point :/
modified by ptar
Ursadon=The Ice bear thing.

Ice is the best tileset ever! It works for everything except island maps...
i like it very much but its a bit "normal" for me :p

what about moving the 12h expo more to the main, connect it, but with closed mineral formation, so u can get this expo without gas from inside your main, but u cant go out there, only after minerals are mined, or u can use some funky workerhopps and cheesy strats to push units through those minerals :)

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I'm making only normal maps, not like you with Iron Flush. I think those experimental parts of an map are the reasons, why maps become unplayable. Don't want to put my hands on sth like this. I love this standart lil bit "oldschool" gameplay. There are enough maps, wich got so crazy things, but thx for your godly drawing ^^ and the time you invested in this.
modified by ptar
ice is the worst tile set crackling. no wide ramps posible :(

what's wrong with iron flush? i just copied some "Flush" ideas by crackling but it's 75% diferent.
No, i meant Iron Flush got some very experimental things in it, not like this map.^^
You missed some bridges I think :)
Nat pathing.
I don't like how the map's gas is almost all in two corners easily guarded thanks to the choke styles.
Watch out for straight lines.
Otherwise, pretty solid aside from being so linear.
What do you mean with linear and nat pathing? I metioned the bridges in the first post. Will edit the map tomorrow. Btw.. I think this map will look much mure natural and not so linear when the bridges are placed.
PS: Lol @ Cracklings GMCS.
modified by ptar
Nah there are plenty of straight edges in the map. Nat pathing will go through the nat itself, the building for the expo is in the middle of the path, creating even paths, and there's no guarantee units will take just the open side and not the side with the workers.
u checked my GMCs?
Yeah, i did. Can't edit this map, cuz i'm on vaication.
lol, didn't bring your sc disk? wtf ptar.
very sweet map, i like it!
basic, but neat. it needs some tweaks in deco (esp. center, though.
i love your semi-cliff behind the naturals. THE place for hidden cannons PvZ :D

nice work. will play standard but smoooooooooth as hell.

only the bridges are manmade and not really natural (i avoided them on purpose on snow shock)...but toss the contest, this map is sweeeeeeeet with bridges!
modified by flothefreak
wait, will you be back before the deadline? If not, I can assure you this won't win in its current form. The needs some modification.

Since you won't have much time, if any before the deadline, I'll stop beating around the bush and just tell you my suggestions.
1. Nat pathing needs altered, I'll gmc one suggestion, but I suggest you do a bit more than that.
2. The corners are too t favouring imo. The pathing from main2main is virtually just a line, pushing already is pretty easy, there aren't alternate paths or special flank positions. I don't think there's any balance of tight/open. I think the map has Pale Horse's issues, the original version atleast =/
Eh I can't think of other suggestions, but the gameplay is similar to that of Pale Horse 1 I think, and that's not good :( Basicly map is linear and macrotastic I think. I'd tell you how to fix this, but if I knew how to fix this my Pale Horse would be fixed by now lol.
you have a fairly open battlefield and an open second expo, natural has only 6 minblocks. i dont think terran is overpowering here, as the 2nd expo seems quite hard to get and keep
Hey, i'm back. Will edit this map asap. I can't see your GMCS Joel :/ Should i remove the highground behind the bridges? Will remove all those linear things Testbug pointed out. Thx for your ideas.
just make sure also larger troops walk smoothly out of the main, passing the natural without getting disturbed by workers mining. also take a pylon or a cannon/sunk into account placed next to the HQ-building
K tested it and there is no natural pathing at all. But i've found a path were units can walk through. Will add the bridges now.
no natural pathing? so, there is only genetically engineered, mutated, artificial and weird pathing? :D
-Added the two bridges
-Removed those linear things
-added some doodads, but i will place some more

@ flo: No the pathing is fine. I put three bunkers there and walked with 3 groups of units through the natural and it was fine. They moved in a straight line. I can upload the rep.
modified by ptar
I don't like outposts on the mains, you can move units close to the water in the bottom and you can't in the top =/
lol sorry I forgot to mark my gmc. I added them, look at SE nat :)
erm...ptar maybe clearing GMCS after next update would be a good idea.