(4)Salve Regina
Map ID: #2387

Author: GundamRush
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 08, 08 19:15

Comments (12)
very cool map! Has a good execution and nice concept!
rly not bad. Only thing I dislike, is the look of the mains, its a bit simply, u should add a bit mut to it;o
there is no space for turrets on natural expos (and on minonlies but this is not as importat as natural's)

you can hit teal and purple things from the minonly.
main sizes are fine (imo) since protoss will have to build 1st pylon+gateway in the natural expo, so fast dragoons can hurt terran timming (because of the 815 ramp)
now, the bridge should be wider, remember that happened on Luna?

tanks and vultures can't use the 815 ramp, how is terran going 2fact build? outside in the natural? with 2 those entrances?

and doesn't looks like jungle tileset (where are the doodads?) what about some ruinsa and grass.
something like this:
LOL TESTBUG! very nice combo of sprites! x)
I reccomend opening the middle, and adding some buildable ground to the middle.

Currently I think the nats are probably fine with building space for turrets, there is room for atleast two as is, and you can place some in the mineral only.
However I feel the nat/mineral only layout is too turtley-macro feeling and reccomend blocking or preferably removing the ramp from the nat to the mineral only. In which case, you would need to add a little space behind the minerals in highground for turret etc building. I think the nat is pretty vulnerable now with the double entrance, same as I felt on Nasty's Morris Plains, and he agreed to blocking the ramp.
In conjunction with opening the middle and adding buildable room to it, removing the ramp from the nat to the mineral only would encourage for more of the map to be used, and make the main neutral entrance more usefull, as well as making it a possible target to attack to attack someone's main.

I don't like that the space behind the main formation is not the same for all players.

I haven't looked into it except via the image but building space in the mains looks lacking. Eh if that's the case, the only viable option I see for increasing space is extending the main into the water. However if you did that then tank range would become an issue and you'd want to block the ramp from mineral only to nat instead of remove it.

I'm not sure I like the small ramp up to the nat. In some mus like zvt it won't make a bit of difference. In pvt it'll mean cheese out the yin yang though =/ Removing it would take an importance off the neutral block of the main, making more for attack use or for late game mobility rather than middle game use, which imo is better.
jeez, so much theorycrafting joel
There is too much brown is this map. :(
@Testbug: One of the worst pieces of terrain ever :p Reaching the sprite limit with just this small thing ;)
you need sprites in a map? i neves use sprites so you can do something like this on a map with no sprites (i have only used few xen naga temples/power generators on my maps but that's all)
Well, you certainly can't do anything close to this without sprites. But you can do better stuff with less sprites and more tileblending.