OB: (code f'd up whole page for some reason)
http://www.warboards.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=8745&d=1190596369 modified by PsychoTemplar
i hate you map names.
hm i dont think it's funny as well
If my map names were different, would you actually comment on the map? I'm just uncreative and spelling words backwards makes it easy to come up with cool and foreign sounding names. Ever since NightmarJoo figured it out and started telling everyone, I've stopped getting serious comments on my maps :(
then it was a good choice to just go on naming your maps that way
I figured you were more mature than that ;) Here, I'll fix it.
PS: I know the internet is magical, so you might not have understood my tone. That was just a joke, you made a good point ;P modified by PsychoTemplar
well i wasnt as serious in my remark as flo might have been, if that is any comfort :P
since u only use trees, i dont think u should have unbuildable center tbh. its like nerfing terran into oblivion as if they wouldnt have a hard time as it is :P
Deco looks like crap in image, but is sufficient in game IMO.
Geysers are 2500 at the natural.
modified by PsychoTemplar
so the expansions are very save? ;o
but it looks nice, anyways:)
only the mains look kinda trist. put some colour into them?
The problem is that this map is pretty, but imo, not playable at all. There are no obstacles really between the two mains.
Good concept example, but ever since NM posted the 'TheWake' map there have been lots of forest enhanced maps.
Lancet's trees for example add options to the game.
Do you think this is better or worse?
modified by Nightmarjoo
Too much gas imo, but probably won't hurt gameplay.
OB: (code f'd up whole page for some reason)
modified by PsychoTemplar
PS: I know the internet is magical, so you might not have understood my tone. That was just a joke, you made a good point ;P
modified by PsychoTemplar