(4)Forget My Weakness
Map ID: #2518

Author: RaDiX
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2007, 09, 26 01:56

Comments (20)
Forget My Weakness.

It's a map I like really much. It's very expansion rich, and it's probably better for 2v2. It's quite normal, but features some new things (low to highground bridge-ramp). The most important expands are at 9 and 3. They've got 10 minerals+5000 gas.

I liked making this map, and I like the result. Hope you like it too!
modified by RaDiX
once a terran passed the center and pushing slowly towards your main you got like no chance to flank or escape... might be a bad thing >.>

are main minerals tankable from the area behind the mains (behind mineralsblocks at minonly semiisland)?
terran could go for a pimp move and push tanks there, after lift factorie for vision and kick your eco :D

i also would cut the lines going towards middle at 12 and 6, they should end where the minonly starts

otherwise awesome map, gratz :)
hm i noticed that TvT on 10 vs 2 or 4 vs 8 would suck so much because each would tank up at his nat and shoot to the other nat -_-
yes, A terran could do a pimp to tank the main :). I made it a bit more difficult by adding the mineralblocks. If ppl want, I can make the main untankable by using d-webs or sg... :).

I 50% agree with that terran pushing thing, but there are so many other map's what allow you to do so, so I don't see it as a big problem.

I might cut the lines a bit. I tried to make positional balance.

Thx for: "awesome map, gratz :", and that creative post. I'll look into it.
Your copied terrain deco is horrible, always misaligned with the rest of the terrain around it.

Terran > pretty much anything
yes, the normal sized ramps at 9 o'clock has some wrong pieces on it, not in the ramp, but in the high-to-low platform transition.


And there is a random piece at it's the non-inverted wider ramp

3 o'clock no-inverted wide ramp... WHAT'S THIS?? LOL

you call this a ramp?

oh this1 is ok, but there is an unwalkable terrain, maybe you copied the wron tiles:

please, remove all this:

and this

---------ok seriously----------
i think terran can place the cc in the middle at NE and SE, but to buld an addon, you will have to place the cc at the left in NW and SW, you should add more room for it.
modified by Testbug
can som1 make a bigger picture? :) hard too see, i like the cliff > bridge idea
and heres another map where u just seige ur tanks and shoot over to the other side :)
man wtf is whit that custom terraining. I deleted some random pieces, I think they're appearing themselfes. wtf ;s. I'll fix them.
Suggestion: Delete map.
suggestion: Link
modified by Testbug
wtf. Thx a lot again... wont be doing a map in some time thx to you omg... Nice creative post(s) nightmarjoo and testbug.

fuck you, I thought u were nice :(
no, this map is no trash

it is just that this setup is done SO often although it doesnt work (with a slime line between bases on horizontal pos). you can hardly create anything good with this positions as start...
they're just overreacting because they expect more from you but such a "newb" mistake in map layout...
Please, if you do extended terrain, do it correctly TT
cut down a bit of the main behind the 2nats and make a path to the sides. it would open up enough i think.
RaDiX, every time you made a new and (usually better, if not better, atleast creative) map, I gave you nice long comments on what to improve. But this map is far worse than the last ten maps you've made. If you don't know why, then perhaps you should re-analyze mapping based on comments on other maps.
wanna stop screwing around with terrain and posting it? at least look at your fucking tool map before posting it.
i didnt get a word of that inept :P